Chapter 11:- I lost myself when I lost him!💔

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Laila's P.O.V
I was ready i grabbed my phone from the table and as i was going to put my phone in my purse i saw that i had recieved a message it wasn't from that man KHALID QURESHI.......but it was from my soon to be hubby MALIK KHAN.

A tear escaped my eyes as i read the message .......i really don't know why i felt so much of uneasiness reading that message ......i had a final look at the mirror and went mom told me that malik was waiting for me in the car.....i kissed her cheeck and said my salam to her and went out.

As soon as i step my foot out and looked at Malik's car ....boooom!!!!!!!! blew up! Malik's car blew up!

I froze at my place.....not knowing how to just digest what I just saw.......I saw him dying right in front of my eyes soon to be Malik.......i lost him.

Mom came out of the house after hearing the loud thud! She saw my face which was empty it had no emotions I stood there just like a statue .......tears filled her eyes up as she noticed what had just happened .....she shook me.....she called out to me ......but i just sat down and stared at Malik's burnt car!

Mom had called Malik's family and my father and my brother aman. Malik's mom fainted seeing his car......the cops had soon arrived .....after the fire subsided they found a fully burnt body in the car! was him .......I went near the burnt body and just mumbled , " I hate you ......screaming.....i hate you!!!!!! Malik khan ......(crying) i hate you for leaving me! I will never forgive you for leaving me!!"
I just ran to my room and shut the door .......i cried i cried my heart put!! Asking Allah why why why?! Why did he had to take my Malik away from me why did he have to take my happiness away from me.......i heard asar azaan.....i ran to the washroom did my wudhu.....i saw myself in the mirror the mirror there was no one but a girl who lost her self ....lost her smile ....swollen eyes and lips expressed everything.

I laid the prayer mat down and started to pray.....i asked Allah for strenght ......for sabr.....for Malik......i just cried and cried......

Suddenly i felt that i knew who did this!!!....i grabbed my phone and messaged the devil....the beast.....the lion of my life......who chewed all my happiness and gulped it!!! None other than KHALID QURESHI!

The beast,
How dare you?!!! How dare you take my happiness away from me?!!!!
How dare you take my Malik away from can you be so ruthless and merciless to kill my love Malik?!!!
I hate you!! I hate you from the bottom my heart!!!!!
If you loved me you would never hurt the person i love ......but you did you killed Malik!!!
Dare you message me or get involve again in my life!!!
I HATE YOU! I never loved you but i hate you even much more than i hated you before!

I lied down on my bed staring at the ceiling of my room .....i took my phone and read the message Malik had sent me....just ....just before i lost him!

I heard a knock on the door...... i grabbed my dupatta and wraped it around my head and opened the door.....i saw mom and my dad standing feeling pity for me.....feeling sad for me .....they told me that the men are going to take Malik to the kabrastan to bury him .....and i should have a last and final look at him!

I went to have a final look at HIM.

I did not cry.....i was just emotion less ......i stoped smiling.

I went to my room and latched the door up!
I heard a my phone ping with a i really hoped that it was Malik who messaged me!

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