Chapter 14

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Kendall's POV

"So she was taken from her hospital bed?" The cop asked me as I nodded wiping my tears away.

"Y-Yes, we went in the next morning a-and she w-was g-gone." I broke down into sobs again as Kale hugged me tightly.

"Okay, and what were the names again?" The cop asked me as he waited for me to tell him their names.

"Austin Mahone, Alex Constancio, Robert Villanueva, and Zach Dorsey." I explained and the cop nodded as he wrote everything down.

"Okay, and did they have enough money to get around?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Very little money." I said and he nodded closing his notepad.

"Don't worry, Ms. Jones, we have a search party looking around the city as well as a few close cities. We will find your sister." He said with a small smile before walking over to the other cops who were all talking by one of the cars.

"What if they killed her?" I asked looking over at Kale who shook his head and pulled at his hair.

"They wouldn't kill her." Kale said trying to assure himself more than me.

"Are you sure? They had kidnapped her many times and shot her in the leg, Kale, we don't know what they want to do with her. They could be doing things to her Kale." I said the tears running down my face as Kale let out a small chuckle.

"Wouldn't surprise me if we found Katie pregnant." He said darkly making me cry harder as I said a silent prayer for Katie.

"D-Don't think about that!" I yelled at Kale as he pulled me into his chest for a hug.

"It's going to happen." I looked over at Kiara who sat on the curb her eyes red and bloodshot from crying. "They are going to kill her."

"They won't kill her. Austin won't kill her." Kale said and Kiara laughed weakly as she ran a hand through her hair.

"You're right, but what is stopping Zach? Robert? Alex? Nobody, Austin may not kill Katie, but he wouldn't try to stop his friends from killing her or even touching her for that matter. He doesn't care about her, or anybody." Kiara said the tears silently rolling down her face.

"I hate all of them so much." I said and Kiara laughed at me.

"You say that yet you love Austin more than anybody else." Kiara said and I shook my head.

"Not anymore, everything that we had is over." I said and walked away before they could see the disappointment in my eyes at admitting that I didn't like Austin.

I don't like Austin.

I love him.


Katie's POV

"I found a house." Zach's voice woke me up from my sleep making me jump as I stared into his eyes. I noticed that everybody was up and ready to go except for me.

"Does it have the upstairs that we talked about?" Austin asked as he put his cigarette to his mouth inhaling slowly and than exhaling.

"Yup, even has two rooms upstairs for one more girl." Zach said with a smirk making my stomach churn.

"Good, did you buy it?" Austin asked and Zach nodded.

"I even got it so we can move in now. It is completely furnished too, the people didn't want their stuff so I bought it all off of them." Zach said and Austin stood up putting a pair of sunglasses and a beanie on as he continued to smoke.

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