Chapter 18

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I sat in Matt's bathtub the water up to my neck as I debated whether I should drown myself or not. After Sammy had scared the crap out of me I ran into Matt's room and locked myself in his bathroom and have been sitting in the bathtub deciding if I wanted to live anymore or not for the past two hours.

"Katie, you okay in there?" Matt asked like he has been doing every hour.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied sinking myself lower into the bathtub the thought of suicide sounding like the best option right now.

"Katie, I'm coming in." He said and my eyes widened panic setting in.

"NO!" I screamed all I heard was silence making me sink back down into the tub closing my eyes.

"Katie, just please tell me what is wrong." Matt begged his voice making me even sadder.

He sounded so hurt.

I hurt him.

"I just need you to leave me alone." I begged knowing what I wanted to do now.

"Katie, just come out, please." He begged and I shook my head sliding down into the tub. I let my head go under and decided if I should intake the water or just let myself run out of air. 

I heard the door being slammed open making my eyes open in shock causing me to inhale the water.

I will not let Matt see me naked while I was alive. I felt my arm being dragged out of the tub as Matt wrapped me into a towel. I was choking on the water my body cold and dripping as he held me over the toilet. I coughed into the toilet water coming up until I was fully puking again.

"Katie, you just need to talk to me." Matt whispered as he held me in a towel on his lap.

"I don't want to cause problems anymore." I said looking up at Matt the tears in my eyes threatening to roll down my cheeks.

"Katie, you aren't causing problems." He said hugging me tightly as I cried into his chest, something I have been doing all day.

"I should have died, Matt." I said and he lifted me up tightening the towel around me as he carried me into his room.

"Let's just get you some food and then you can go to sleep." Matt said as he set me down on his bed. I wrapped the towel around me tighter avoiding eye contact with Matt.

"I'm not hungry." I said not looking up at Matt.

If I can't drown myself than I will starve myself.

"Nope, you aren't going to starve yourself. Get dressed, I'll be waiting outside." Matt said and he walked out of his room leaving me alone. 

I let out a sigh and walked over to the bags that Matt had brought were sitting. I opened up one of the suitcases and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt as well as undergarments quickly putting them on. I went to close the suitcase when a small piece of paper caught my eye. I bent down and picked it up a smile on my face as I stared at the handwritten note.

KATIEEEE! I hope you are having fun with Matt, I know he can be a fun guy. Is he being nice to you? I promise as soon as I can get to a phone I will call you. I know how hard it was for Austin to let you go so I just avoided the whole situation and wrote this letter. Easy, right? JUST LIKE ME HAHAHA! You are probably to young to get that, but I'm still writing it. Don't get caught and eat your vegetables. Those are my two rules for you, Katie. And I never did get to say what I wanted to say to you.
I love you, Katie.

I laughed and put the note back into the suitcase the smile still on my face as Matt opened the door.

"Are you ready?" He asked and I turned around nodding.

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