Chapter 17

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"Katie." Matt snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked over at him my eyes tired. We had been driving the whole day and I have been staring out the window the whole trip.

"Yeah, Matt?" I asked holding in a yawn as Matt pulled down a street, the houses getting larger and more spread apart.

"I just want to warn you about my friends." Matt said and I nervously bit my lip as Matt looked over at me for a few seconds. "They come off a bit strong and I haven't told them about you so just ignore them, okay?"

"What do you mean?" I asked Matt worried as he slowed down and pulled into the driveway of a large house. 

"Just...stay by me for the first day." Matt said and I nodded chewing on my lips as Matt parked his car next to about 6 other cars.

"O-Okay." I said and he gave me a nervous smile.

"You already know Jack, well one Jack, so that's good." Matt said and I continued to chew on my lip as he got out of the car. I stayed in the car my eyes not looking over to Matt.

"I don't want to get out." I said looked over at Matt trying not to cry for what seemed like the tenth time this day.

"Aww, Katie, it's okay." He said and wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly as I hugged him back the tears still not rushing down my face.

"I want to go home." I said and Matt sighed lifting me out of the car as I kicked at him not making any sound.

"Katie, it's going to be fine, just come on." He said and I shook my head kicking Matt in his area making him let out small scream and a grunt. He held onto me as I clenched his teeth his grip tightening on me.

"Ow, Matt." I whined and he just hissed at me.

Does this kid think he's a cat or?

"We are both gonna go through the pain." He said through his teeth making me laugh.

"Guess I know your weakness." I sung and he just grunted as he walked to the front door. He slammed his shoulder into the door as I heard people talking inside.

"Coming!" Somebody yelled and then another boy started laughing as another screamed words that I couldn't make out.

The door opened and a boy who was tall like every boy that Matt has ever introduced me too stood in the doorway.

Don't be dramatic, Katie, you met one other boy. 

"Uh, Shawn, this is Katie." Matt said letting go of me. I looked up at Shawn and realized that he was just staring at me. He had brown eyes and brown hair, average.

I slowly started to walk away from Matt but her grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back over to him.

"And she obviously doesn't listen." He said annoyed as I bit down on Matt's hand making him grunt but his grip didn't even loosen on me.

"Oh, come on in." Shawn said stepping aside as Matt started to pull me inside.

"I'm gonna scream." I told Matt who sighed and rolled his eyes at me.

"No you-" I cut Matt off with a loud scream making him slam his hand onto my mouth. I tried to get out of his grip as he pulled me into the house where a group of boys was sitting in the living room.

"Katie!" Matt yelled at me as I threw my elbow into his stomach.

"Do you need some help?" I looked at a boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes who barely looked up from his phone.

"No! Don't touch her!" Matt yelled holding me tighter as all the boys looked at him.

"Whoa, what's your problem?" One of the boys with brown hair and blue eyes asked confused.

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