chapter five

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"Okay, my roommate is at the grocery store and she actually loves you. Do you wanna scare the shit out of her?" Sophia wondered, pulling into her apartment building.

They had stopped at David's house to switch cars and left immediately to try and beat Marcia to the apartment. She parked in the underground garage before leading him to the elevator and pressing the top floor.

"Yeah, sure. You think she'll freak out?"

"I know she will," Sophia laughed, walking out into her hallway and letting him into her apartment. Apollo came barreling down the stairs, yapping excitedly at David's feet.

"Sorry, he gets really excited with new people. He's really friendly."

David crouched down, smiling widely and playing with Apollo.

"He's so fucking cute, oh my god."

Sophia checked Marcia's location before screaming. She was in the building.

"Where do I go? Where do I hide?" David blabbed nervously, turning on his camera and looking around.

"Pantry! She's gonna have to put away the groceries."

David ran into the large pantry, closing the door and trying his best not to make noise. Sophia ran onto the couch, placing her camera so that it was facing the kitchen. They wanted to get the prank from all angles. It only took a few minutes for the front door to open with Marcia holding a million grocery bags.

"Soph, can you put the groceries away for me? I need to check something on my laptop." Marcia groaned, throwing the bags onto the counter and running up the stairs.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sophia groaned, running over to the kitchen and opening the pantry door.

"What do we do?" David asked, biting his lip to keep from laughing.

"Come to my room, we'll scare her there."

They walked up the stairs carefully, trying their best to be as silent as possible. Thankfully, Sophia's room was the first one, so they didn't have to go very far. David sat on her bed, laughing quietly as she closed her door.

"Alright, hide behind the bed. I'll show her some fake editing footage to get her opinion and you can scare her."

The plan worked perfectly. Marcia was staring intently at the footage when David screamed and jumped out from behind the bed, making her scream loudly. David couldn't stop laughing when he looked back at the footage and saw that Sophia had gotten scared too. Marcia hugged him tightly while laughing and flipping off Sophia.

"That was really mean but I guess I forgive you." Marcia laughed, shaking her head. They talked for a few more minutes before Marcie had to leave to go consult with a client.

"Your apartment is really nice, by the way." David told her as she left, making her blush intently.

He could come off as a douche sometimes, but for the few hours she had been with him, she was sure he was a genuinely nice and generous person. He offered to do a quick collab video for her channel, where she was instantly grateful she had bought him the prank and the gift the night before. She wasn't sure if they would get the chance to film for her channel, but she was so happy she had been prepared. They Postmated some Chipotle and edited their footage together for a while before he finally said his goodbyes.

"That was really fun, Dobrik."

"Yeah. Let's do that again sometime."

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