chapter twenty one

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"This feels wrong."

"I know."

"Take the photo I guess." Sophia sighed, turning her back to the camera and looking over her shoulder.

Matt found the perfect angle, snapping it quickly and handing her back the phone. This party was a complete bust. The music was great, there was weed and drinks, but one thing was missing. She didn't have David with her. He was busy at home, editing his life away or filming a dumb skit with Jonah. He should've been there with her, filming or not. She thought he deserved a break from it all.

David spent his entire life trying to make other people's lives better. His online character could sometimes give the impression that he was an asshole, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. For starters, he had amazing relationships with all his friends. He wanted the best for everyone around him. His kindness was her favorite part about him. David loved making other people happy. Yes, he terrorized them sometimes for the vlog, but he had this amazing sense of empathy that the fans and people online didn't know. She knew he was capable of enjoying his own life more. Sophia wanted David to be a little more selfish and take some time for himself.

"Do you want a drink?" Matt wondered, leading her towards the bar and bringing her back from her thoughts.


It didn't take long for Sophia to get crossed out of her mind. Matt was plastered with her, the two of them dancing to the music that was blasting through the speakers. She recorded the two of them drinking, smoking, and dancing for her story.  At some point these guys were taking turns hanging from the ceiling and dancing. There were tons of girls dancing on the poles surrounding the dance floor, her joining in for a few minutes just for laughs. Sophia and Matt recorded every second of it.

That's when she got the text from David.

dobrik: where's the party? it looks fun

soph: now it looks fun lol

dobrik: ? yes

soph: bro i tol u to com here in morning

dobrik: are you drunk

soph: no

dobrik: you're lying

soph: no

dobrik: you're not drunk then?

soph: nop

dobrik: i'm gonna find the party eventually

soph: good luc wiht that bitch

dobrik: are you mad at me or something

soph: omg so smart daddy

dobrik: why are you mad

soph: i'm not doing this over text

Sophia locked her phone, throwing it at the bottom of the bag Trisha had lent her. She had sobered up too much from her conversation with David. Matt had disappeared to go hook up with a girl and she wasn't in the party mood. She collected herself before grabbing an Uber back to her place. It was still early, but she was over it. She had spent that entire night worried about David, and she wasn't sure how to even talk to him about her thoughts. She hated confrontation and she didn't want to pick a fight with him. He had enough to worry about. The ride wasn't too long, and she unlocked her front door with an exhale of relief. She was desperately craving a hot shower and night of Netflix. Apollo greeted her at the door. He had grown so fast and was now way too big for her to carry him. She gave him a treat before following him up the stairs. She opened her bedroom door, gasping as she clutched her chest.

David was sitting at the edge of her bed, staring her straight in the eye.

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