chapter seven

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David sighed as he pulled her sheets out of the dryer. Knowing that he had royally fucked up made him feel really bad. He wasn't sure why she had reacted that intensely, but he felt really guilty nonetheless. Honestly, he thought she'd get scared but laugh about it later. She seemed so easy going and funny the last time they had hung out. David wasn't usually a bad judge of character. He made her bed before sending her a quick text that it was safe to come home. He had ordered her some dinner as well, just to try and make it up to her. It only took her a few minutes before she opened her front door again, crossing her arms.

"David, we need to talk." She yelled from the kitchen, dropping her keys into the designated bowl. He emerged from the stairs, Apollo following closely behind him and barking excitedly when he saw her.

"I'm about to get out of here. I was making your bed."

Sophia shook her head, pointing at the barstool for her kitchen counter. David caught her drift and took a seat, feeling like he was a little kid about to get in trouble. That's when he heard something he wasn't expecting to hear from her.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted and was really rude to you."


"I just have this thing with snakes. You couldn't have known," Sophia started, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"When I was really young, I was playing with my baby sister in the backyard. We were still living in Venezuela back then, and so she grabbed what I thought was just a leaf. I yanked it away from her, and it ended up being this poisonous snake. I was in the hospital for a really long time. I almost died because it bit me."

David watched her intently, listening to every word she said. His stomach dropped as he could practically feel the guilt eating him alive. Half the time, he didn't think twice about pranking people. Was that a dick move? He got carried away with his videos really easily, and this was a prime example of that. He barely knew this girl and he had made her this upset.

"You obviously didn't know any of that, and I know you didn't do that with the intention of pissing me off or whatever. The point is, I'm sorry I was dramatic as fuck." She sighed, crossing her arms. David stood from his stool, pulling her into a bone crushing hug and whispering a million apologies.

"Can we be friends then?" He asked sincerely, making her giggle. That was a cute question.

"Only if you promise not to break into my home with a 100-foot monster."

"It wasn't 100 feet."

"Shut up, Dobrik." She laughed, shaking her head.

"Well, I tried to prank you back because the Drake and Josh thing was fucking genius."

"Alright, let's film a reaction outro so you're not left with a useless vlog." Sophia sighed, putting her hair down and attempting to look presentable,

"No Soph, you don't have to do that. I'll trash the footage."

"You almost killed me with a fucking heart attack today, Dobrik. You're using that footage."

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