chapter nine

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Sophia awoke with something heavy on her back, and she smiled when she saw that her and David had passed out next to each other. His arm was draped around her, and she knew this was something she could get used to. She slowly slid out from under his arm, standing from the bed and heading over to her bathroom. Apollo stirred from his bed by her door, sleepily following her to the bathroom and sitting outside the door. She washed her face and brushed her teeth before changing and heading downstairs to make breakfast for the two of them.

David woke up 15 minutes later to Apollo licking his face excitedly, which made him chuckle. He was falling in love with that dog. He collected himself before heading downstairs. Sophia was busy cooking, not even noticing that he had come downstairs. He pulled out his camera and began filming, creeping down by her kitchen island. He waited until she was away from the stove before popping up and screaming, scaring the shit out of her.

"Oh my god, David. Fuck you!" She laughed, covering her face and hiding from the camera. She passed him a plate of pancakes, his stomach grumbling appreciatively.

"These are so good," David said happily, shoving forkfuls of the food down his throat.

"I think I need to start sleeping over more."

Sophia found herself blushing at his words, turning on her heel and gathering the dishes. She put them in the sink, David insisting that he'd wash because she cooked. They argued about it playfully for a while before David finally relented. Marcia emerged from the top of the stairs, raising an eyebrow as she saw David sitting in the kitchen.

"You're here early." She smirked, crossing her arms and sitting down on the stool next to him. He felt his cheeks grow hot, and he hoped his blush wasn't too obvious.

"He spent the night. We fell asleep while he was editing. Actually, I almost killed him yesteday." Sophia said nonchalantly, pouring herself a glass of iced coffee.

"How come?" Marcia wondered, eyeing them both curiously. She wanted to know the full story, she just couldn't help it.

"So I put a snake on her bed to scare her because I thought it would be funny. I feel bad now because she told me the story about when she was little."

"That's what you needed to come in here for? You said you left something behind." Marcia groaned  Sophia shaking her head and drinking her coffee.

"I didn't want to risk you giving it away. You know what, in retrospect every aspect of that idea was stupid. Let's not talk about it."

"Did the footage even come out good?" Sophia wondered, stirring her coffee with the metal straw.

"Yeah, it did. Speaking of, I have to go home and finish uploading."

David and Sophia said a quick goodbye, hugging each other at the door after he'd gathered his things.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! Brandon's birthday party is tonight. Please tell me you'll come." David pleaded, giving her his famous puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know. I have a lot of work to get finished. I have to film my podcast for this week."

"I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 9." He smirked, sticking his tongue out at her playfully and closing the door behind him.

What did she just get herself into?

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