chapter eight

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Sophia and David sat on her newly made bed, talking about literally anything and everything. He found himself wanting to know whatever he could about her. He was also still pretty mad at himself for what he did, but she didn't care anymore. He had shown genuine remorse and that's all she wanted to see. At first, she felt like she was a pawn he wanted to exploit for her videos, but she could tell he genuinely wanted to be friends. She yawned and looked down at her phone, eyes going wide as she realized it was almost three in the morning.

"David, don't you need to edit?"

"I'll worry about that later." He shook his head, smiling slightly.

"It's fine with me. I'll just watch a movie or something." Sophia shrugged, hugging her knees to her chest.

David nodded and reached for his laptop that was sitting on her nightstand. He put on his headphones and started editing. She kept looking over at him every few minutes, completely entranced by his process. David's work ethic was something she really admired about him. She snuck a glance at him, blushing a bit when he turned and looked back at her.

"What?" He asked, smiling mischievously.

"Nothing, you just impress me as a human."

That made him laugh that Dobrik laugh that she was beginning to love. She wanted to get to know him better, and she honestly loved spending time with him. He brought her so much laughter and he always kept her on her toes. He was something that she didn't know she was missing in her life. She put up her hair in a bun and looked down at her phone, immediately feeling her heart sink when she realized the date. It was her birthday. This was a really rough day for her because her Abuelo (grandfather) had passed that day as well. She never celebrated it anymore because it hurt too much. It had been two years since he had passed, but it still hurt the same way. None of her friends in LA knew when her birthday was, and she intended to keep it that way. She stood from her place on the bed, walking over to her bathroom and closing the door behind her.

David immediately raised an eyebrow when she stood up. He felt her demeanor change instantly. He looked down at her phone, but there weren't any notifications that could've made her upset. He wanted to comfort her, but he definitely didn't want to overstep for the second time in a few hours. He knew he needed to give her some space. She emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. Her lamp dimly lit the room, but even then he could tell that she had been crying. David decided not to bring it up. They didn't know each other that well and he didn't want to pry into her life. He found himself hurting with her, her pain becoming his. Why did he feel that way? He realized that she had fallen asleep beside him, her hair scattered all over her face. He lovingly tucked it back behind her ear, sucking in a breath as he realized how beautiful she really was. He had always known, but somehow it was starting to affect him now. Did he like this girl?

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