chapter twenty three

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"Have you heard of Bad Bunny?" David asked Zane, making Sophia burst out laughing.

They were sprawled across David's couch as he furiously edited his next video. He was actively trying to post them earlier so it wouldn't affect his or Sophia's sleep.

"What's that?" Zane wondered, raising an eyebrow.

"He's this singer from Puerto Rico that I showed David a few weeks ago. He's obsessed with him."

"You do know who it is. He's on I Like It with Cardi." David insisted, looking at Zane expectantly.

"I mean, I'm sure I've heard it."

"He's the fucking coolest guy ever." David smiled, scrolling through the singer's Instagram account.

"He has big dick energy." Sophia nodded, looking at her nails absentmindedly.

"Wait, he really is cool as fuck." Zane yelled, looking through his photos.

"We been knew. Y'all are late to the party."

"What song of his should I put for the outro?" David wondered, looking at Sophia for guidance.

"Uh, I don't know. Something hype I guess. Put MIA, Drake is on it so it's popular right now."

"We love an inclusive song selection." Zane joked, making the two of them laugh.


"Baby, please." David pouted as he begged, looking up at Sophia pleadingly.

"Those puppy dog eyes don't work on me, Dobrik."

"They did last night when you said you were too tired to have sex." David smirked, Sophia rolling her eyes.

"We fucked because I wanted to. You geinuinely think the world revolves around you." Sophia laughed, smacking his cheeks playfully before kissing his neck.

"You are so full of shit and you know it." he laughed, pressing his lips against hers.

"Maybe, but you're not convincing me to post that picture of us."

"Who cares? People already put two and two together."

"I care." Sophia deadpanned, running her fingers through his hair. She leaned up and kissed him, tugging on his hair lightly as she did so.

"Stop trying to distract me."

"Is it working?"

"N-no." David stuttered as she rolled her hips against his.

"You sure about that?"

"If you continue I'm posting it."

"Oh my god, if it's that serious you can fucking post it." she groaned, sliding off of him and laying back next to him. He cheered excitedly, making her giggle.

The door opened downstairs, and Sophia heard a voice she definitely wasn't expecting.

"Sophia! Estas en casa?" (Sophia, are you home?)

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Sophia whispered repeatedly, jumping out of bed and throwing on her Clickbait sweatpants.

"Who is that?" David wondered, yawning as he stretched.

"Get up. It's my mom." She whisper-yelled, David jumping up immediately and going pale. He hurriedly threw his clothes on.

Sophia fixed up her bed quickly before looking up at David with wide eyes.

"I'm not ready to meet your mom. What's her name? What should I not say? Oh my god!" He mumbled nervously, running his hands through his messy hair in an attempt to fix it.

"It's fine. She doesn't speak much English. Just introduce yourself and smile."

There was a small knock at her bedroom door before it opened to reveal her mom. David smiled nervously, his hands instantly getting sweaty.

"Hola mami, no sabía que venías hoy."
(Hey mom, I didn't know you were coming.)

Sophia smiled, pulling her mom in for a hug. She kissed her cheek quickly before pulling away.

"Hola, mi nombre es David. Mucho gusto."
(Hi, my name is David. It's nice to meet you.)

He was taken back when she hugged him warmly but immediately hugged her back. Sophia found it really cute that he had introduced himself in her language.

"Es tu novio? Esta muy guapo."
(Is this your boyfriend? He's very handsome.)

"Si. Perdón que no se conocieron antes, es que los dos tenemos demasiado trabajo."
(Yes. Sorry you hadn't met earlier. We're both really busy with work.)

Sophia turned to David, smiling slightly.

"She said you're handsome."

"Gracias." David answered immediately, making the three of them laugh.

"Vengan a cenar cuando puedan para que lo presentes a tu papá."
(Come over for dinner soon do you can introduce him to your dad.)

"Vamos el fin de semana, te lo prometo."
(We'll go this weekend. I promise.)

They said their goodbyes to Sophia's mom, who insisted on not intruding and left shortly after. Sophia explained that she always came over just to check on the state of the apartment and clean up even though it was perfectly clean.

"She wants you to come over for dinner and meet my dad."

"And your sister?"

"Yes, she lives there because she's twelve."

"And they speak English?"


"Fuck." David laughed, Sophia cracking up along with him.

"My dad is the nice one. You already won over the scary one."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes. Relax, babe. I can always cancel if you don't want to." Sophia shrugged, pinching his cheeks lovingly.

"You're not canceling anything. I want to meet your family, Sophie."

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