chapter nineteen

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News about their night spread throughout the squad, and everyone wanted to know all the little details. They had tons of questions, and they wanted to get to know Sophia better. Matt was really happy for them since he and Sophia were getting really close. Marcia was really excited when they broke the news to her.

"Okay, since you're officially a part of our family, I can be honest with you," Marcia said, wrapping an arm around David's shoulders.

"Please go fuck in your house so I don't have to hear it."

David and Sophia bursted into laughter, going red immediately. They knew she was mostly joking, but it still made them blush.

"To be fair, you're never home when we fuck." Sophia shrugged, David smacking her shoulder playfully as Marcie cackled.

The guys in the group were having a field day messing with David. He was kinda protective over his girlfriends, and Sophie was no exception. She liked to fuck with him, so she'd play along with all the jokes and David would sometimes get annoyed.

"So, how would you feel about a threesome with me and Trisha?" Jason asked jokingly, Trisha giggling immediately.

"Oh, I'd be so down." Sophia played along, looking at David with a smirk.

"You guys are so fucking stupid sometimes." David muttered, shaking his head as the rest of them laughed.

David was still terrified of opening himself up fully to Sophia. He trusted her, but he had so much pain that he didn't want to unload on her. He was also really anxious about the two of them. How long would she stick around? He worked a lot. Would that make her end things with him? David had a tendency to overthink practically everything.

He had been editing and reading through his emails all day as Sophia watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine. She devoted a ton of time to her channel and to her personal brand, but David took things to another extreme. She obviously didn't want to comment on it, since it was his job and his passion, but she worried about him. He'd be up until 5 AM editing a video and he'd be up before 9 for meetings. She was worried he would burn out.

"Babe, I have a party tomorrow and I need to go get a dress. Do you wanna come with me?" Sophia wondered, grabbing the remote and turning off his TV.

"How long is it gonna take?" He asked, not looking up from his laptop screen.

"I don't know, depends how quickly I can find something."

"Nah, I need to finish up here." David shook his head, typing rapidly on his keyboard.

"Do you want to go to the party, then? It's for this brand I work with. A lot of people are going."

"Do you think I'll get good footage there?" He asked, making Sophia roll her eyes instinctively.

"I don't know. Whatever Dobrik, let me know if you're coming or not." She sighed, throwing her bag over her shoulder and walking out to her car.

She sent a quick text to Matt, asking if he wanted to accompany her. She had a lot on her mind. He answered her immediately and agreed to go with her. She drove over to his place and picked him up. After their little greeting, she started her rant. She didn't even realize how annoyed she was until she started talking.

"I swear to god, all he cares about is content. I get that it's his job and that he wants to post the best videos possible, but I've told him a million times that the spontaneous moments are what make his vlog so great. He spends so much time setting up these bits and I just don't get it."

"I know. He can be a little intense in that department. He works really hard because the vlog means a lot to him." Matt explained, bouncing his knee absentmindedly.

"And I totally understand that, but it's messing with his sleep and with his eating patterns. He's grumpy constantly and he never wants to do anything if there's no vlog opportunity. It's starting to piss me off." Sophia admitted, pulling into the mall.

"Are you gonna talk to him about it? I think you should."

"What am I gonna say? I feel like anything I say will just upset him and that's not what I want. I left his place kinda annoyed, but he had his brain on work mode and I doubt he noticed."

"Maybe talk to Jason about it. He always reasons with him when work gets too crazy." Matt shrugged, putting his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I think we have to pay him a visit."

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