chapter eleven

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A drunken Zane stood on top of a table, dancing to the loud music that was blasting through the speakers. David was laughing loudly, recording every second of it. Sophia sometimes worried that he filmed too much and didn't live in the moment enough, but she knew this was his job and he loved having the memories saved. She definitely wasn't Zane-level drunk, but she was practically there. Brandon wrapped an arm around her, unconsciously unloading a lot of his weight onto her frame. She struggled to hold him up, laughing loudly.

"Thanks for coming." He slurred, Sophia nodding and patting his face playfully.

"No problem, Brandon. I had to show up for my latino brother." She joked, him too plastered to put any of that together. He just nodded and stomped over to Todd and Scotty, making her giggle to herself.

"What's so funny?" Matt asked, walking up to her with a wide smile.

"Just Brandon being an idiot. How are you enjoying the party?" She wondered, taking a sip of her drink.

"It's pretty fun. Once you get used to the fact that everyone in here is dumb as fuck, things get a lot funnier."

"Dumb is fun. Look at this place, everyone's having the time of their life." Sophia reasoned, Matt shrugging and nodding in agreement.

"Being a part of this friend group never gets old, I'll tell you that. You're gonna love it. The vlogs are the best and worst thing to happen to any of us." Matt joked, making her giggle.

David frowned as he watched the two of them interact. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he felt the jealousy bubble up inside of him. He wanted to be the one making her laugh at the party. He was the one that had invited her. But he couldn't get his legs to move.

"So, are you and David like a thing?" Matt wondered, raising an eyebrow.

"What? No, why? Has he said that we are?"

"No, I just get the energy from y'all that something more is going on."

"Oh, no we're just friends." Sophia shrugged, blushing intently.

"Miss Sophia is blushing." He said in that classic Matt King voice, making her laugh loudly and cover her face.

"Matt, I hate you. I am not blushing."

"I think Sophia Pinzon has a little crush." He leaned in and whispered so no one would hear.

David couldn't watch anymore. He turned on his heel and went out to the balcony, practically slamming the door behind him. He wasn't really one to get angry or jealous, but the alcohol was bringing all of his feelings out. He was confused about whether or not he liked Sophia. Things with Liza were still weird and he wasn't sure he was completely over her. Was he ready to move on? Sophia didn't deserve to be a rebound.

"You okay?" Corinna wondered, emerging onto the balcony.

David turned and looked at her, shaking his head. His feelings were eating him alive and he felt like he was drowning. Was he too late? Did her and Matt actually have a thing going on? She had kissed him for the video. Had they done more than that?

"So, that Dobrik charm got you huh?" Matt wondered, taking a swig of his beer.

"I don't know, I guess. I just think he might like me too. This is all still so new, maybe I'm just infatuated with the idea of him."

"Life's too short to not be honest with people. David's a good guy. If you think you have a chance with him, you should go for it." He encouraged, patting her back as she sighed.

"I'm gonna do it." She nodded, the alcohol clouding her judgement.

She felt like she had nothing to lose. She looked around the party but couldn't find him anywhere. Had he left early? Jason was being the dad, cleaning up after everyone and taking drinks away from Zane and Heath because they had too much. Todd and Scotty were play-wrestling on the couch. Matt and Brandon were now singing karaoke obnoxiously while Carly and Erin cheered them on. Sophia's brain clicked when she put together the two people that were missing. David and Corinna. That's when her worst fears were confirmed.

David and Corinna were making out on the balcony.

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