Chapter Two: First Day, First Meetings

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I woke up to Aunt Nadia shaking me to get up and I groan, turning to my other side grabbing my duvet with me.

"Andie, honey, it's your first day of school. I'm not sure you'll want to be late." She shakes me again, gently, and I frown. I completely forgot about how draining it is getting up so early in the mornings.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." She adds, most probably taking my displeased expression the wrong way.

I sit up, resting my back on the headboard and rub my eyes. I try and process what Nadia said and finally realise that it's Monday.

Just like Nadia said, it's my first day of school and if I'm being honest, I'm not dreading it as much as I thought I would be. Maybe this could be a turning point?

I nod my head finally answering, "Yeah, I still wanna go." I smile and she hugs me unexpectedly but I don't question it. I love her but it's definitely too early for this...

"I'm so proud of you, you know. Going back to school so quickly and trying to make the best out of a bad situation." Her voice is muffled by how tight she is hugging me. Not so long after, she eventually stands up leaving my room but not before saying goodbye.

Mark has already left for work and I guess Nadia is about to do the same and once I'm dressed, I go downstairs to get greeted by Josh.

"Do you want me to give you a ride to school?" I nodded but already presumed he was taking me as I don't know where the school is.

"Yes please, How is it? The school I mean." He takes one last spoonful of his cereal and puts his bowl in the dishwasher.

"It's okay I guess, nothing special. It's just school, Andie." He laughs a little and I laugh slightly as well. He grabs his keys off the side and turns to me.

"You ready to go?"


"This is your schedule and locker number. If there are any problems just come back and we'll try and sort it." The receptionist smiles while handing me a post-it note with the code and a piece of paper with my lessons on it.

"Thank you." I look at my timetable and I guess I haven't got the worst lessons for my first day of school; science, English, maths, PSHCE, health and food.

Although it doesn't seem that bad, as soon as I see everyone in the hall the nerves overwhelm me. It's kinda strange to think that the last time I was at school my mother was here.

I walk slowly, trying to find my locker, and everyone else is either speaking to their friends or getting their books for their next lessons. I told Josh that I'll be okay by myself and after a bit of persuading, he finally said he'll see me later.

Back in my old school, I was the sarcastic friend, the jokey one, but I'm not exactly going for that this year. I'll probably make a few friends but If I don't then I'm okay with that, I'm not bothered.

I'm still looking for my locker when I crash into someone and all their books land on the floor. It's a high pitch voice that catches my attention and it comes from the girl on the floor.

"Oh my god," She looks almost scared and before I can say that it's fine she continues, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. Are you okay?"

When I look in her direction I see a petite figure with short brown hair.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" I ask her, worriedly.

"I'm fine and sorry again." She says sheepishly and then looks at all her books on the floor, gasping a little. She crouches down to start piling them up and I bend down to help her.

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