Chapter Twenty-Six: Betrayal

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Cole's POV:

How did I end up in a car alone with my girlfriend's bitch of an ex best friend you may ask. Andie Marie Mitchell. That's how. She's lucky, that's all I'm going to say.

You might also be asking yourself: Since when did you do things that didn't involve you being a selfish bastard? That is a very good question which also has the same answer as your previous one.

Andie Marie Mitchell.

She could ask me to do anything and I'd do it in a heartbeat. If I didn't, I wouldn't be driving bitch face here back to get her stuff.

Why Andie didn't get her to walk back herself is beyond me.

Joyce—whatever the fuck she's called—hasn't said a word yet and I'd like to keep it that way. I haven't liked her since the second she showed up.

"Get out then, you got to grab your shit," I say coldly. Jill has her car so she better get her stuff as quick as possible so she's on her way. Then me, and Andie, don't have to see her again.

Everyone's happy.

I slam my car door and girl with a name beginning with J follows behind me. Once I get to the front door I realise that Andie didn't give me a key to get in. Great. I think I remember her telling me they keep a spare key somewhere.

Think. Think. Think.

I check the most obvious place first, underneath the plant pot, but it's not there. That's when I catch a glimmer of something shiny under the mat.


It's peaking out of the side of the mat. I pick it up, open the door and make her go in first. I want to keep an eye on here. I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her.

She stands in the hallway, not moving. "Don't just stand there then. Go upstairs and get your stuff." I say bluntly and walk to the kitchen, getting my phone out of my pocket. Not too long after, I hear her start shouting me.

"Can you come up here and help me please?" I ignore her and continue scrolling through my phone. But of course, she shouts me again. "Please can you help."

Fuck sake, even her voice is unbearable. How did Andie put up with her?

"No! You packed two days worth of things, it's hardly a three week vacation in the Bahamas." I shout back and stay where I am.

"It's too heavy to bring down the stairs," She whines, "Please it won't take long then I'm out of here." I curse under my breath and have to physically drag my feet up the stairs.

Her suitcase is in the guest room on the bed. Who the fuck needs this much shit for three days? You would think she's staying here permanently. I pick it up, not sparing her even one glance and go to leave the room.

God, I'd love to launch her suitcase down the stairs.

"Wait!" She shouts, I roll my eyes but turn around to look at her. I wait for her to say something but she leans forward and slams the door, not sparing a second before grabbing my face and trying to plant her grubby lips on mine.

I pull her away, kicking her suitcase in the process.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shout.

"Oh please, I know you want me. I saw the way you looked at me when I showed up yesterday." I can tell she's trying to sound seductive but trust me when I say it isn't working.

"Are you deluded? Or have you just got no brain cells in that stupid head of yours? I don't even like you, let alone be attracted to you." I grimace.

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