Chapter Eight:World War What?

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One whole week and five days until my mothers birthday.

It seems that it's coming around faster than I anticipated. On her birthday every year a carnival was held and we always used to go.

So on that specific day, every year, we would go there then go for food. Each year she would have the same thing; Fries and a burger with no ketchup.

"Andie! Hurry up! Mia is picking us up literally in two minutes." As Josh just said, Mia is picking us up today because Josh's car is in the garage. Turns out that Josh can't park a car without causes some type of damage.

Thankfully, I get my own car tomorrow so I won't have to constantly rely on Josh's car not being used. I wasn't too keen on the idea because a car isn't something I was expecting to just be given but both Nadia and Mark assured me they wanted to do it.

Mia shows up as soon as I get downstairs and after locking the house, we both get inside. I'm sat in the back while the 'love birds' kiss each other as their greeting. Thankfully when I start driving to school myself, I won't have to witness this.

Just because I find them cute doesn't mean I need to see them kiss all the time. He is my cousin after all, gross.

"Hey, beautiful." He says once they both pull back.

I cringe just a little and resist the urge to make a sarcastic comment. Me being the loner I am, and always will be, just stays silent and doesn't say a word until Mia starts the conversation.

"Are you feeling better today, Ands?" I nod in response and remind myself that she is driving and can't see me. Idiot.

"I'm feeling much better thanks." Lies, but she doesn't have to know that.

As soon as we get on-site, I head to my locker to drop all the things off that I didn't get to yesterday. While I struggle to get all my books in without one tumbling out, I feel a presence beside me and I turn to see Cole.

Isn't this just great?

"So Mandy," He puts one hand above my locker and continues. "What made you leave so suddenly yesterday?" He obviously hasn't stopped with the whole name thing yet.

I grit my teeth and finally snap. "You not what Cole? I'm really not in the mood so just leave me the hell alone." I slam my locker and head to class, not bothering to look behind me.


Once I get home, everyone is home early but Josh because he has football practise. I'm more shocked that Mark has finished already, he is never home this early. Not that I'm complaining, of course, It's just different seeing them already.

"Hey, guys." I wave and have a wide smile on my face.

"We have something to show you." They both motion for me to go over to them and I do exactly that, just a little bit curious as to what they want to show me.

We make our way to the garage and I think I begin to know where this is going and as soon as they open the door my jaw drops.

A black car, not even a car. A Range Rover.

Nadia is the first one to speak because I can't seem to find any words. I wasn't expecting to get the car until tomorrow and this type of car was even more unexpected.

"It was mine but as you already know I got a new one so seeing as you're still adjusting to living here, I want you to have it. Consider it a welcoming present." It's one big welcoming present that's for sure.

"I-I-I don't even know what to say..." I smile at them, still too shocked. I never expected to get such an expensive car.

"Thank you so much." I'm still not sure if I should even accept such a gift. I hug them both but I still feel like I owe them something in return. I shouldn't just get a car for doing nothing.

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