Chapter Nineteen: Water Fight

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The door swings open, revealing a shirtless Cole who seems to have just had a shower. I stand there speechless, not sure what to say.

Look away, Andie! Look away!

"Speechless, I see. I'm not surprised. Especially when someone as hot as me is standing in your presence." He holds the door open, gesturing for me to come in.

Ahhh the massive ego is still a thing, I see.

You deserved that, just standing there like an idiot. Mentally facepalm yourself, Andie.

I hear Cole laugh loudly. "Mentally facepalm yourself, Andie?" He laughs some more and I stand there embarrassed.

I totally just said that out loud didn't I?

"You're too cute, Princess, too much for your own good."

I go scarlet and he starts laughing, even more, resulting in me huffing and scowling. "How about we just watch a movie or something before I regret coming here."

"You mean mentally facepalm yourself, Andie, for thinking it was a good idea to come here." He teases, laughing again and I lightly punch his arm while glaring.

"Follow me." He says, his laughter dying down. I follow him and he opens the door to a room, which I guess is his, and it's painted black.


The guy couldn't get anymore more cliché if he tried. But that doesn't make him any less attractive.

Screw my inner thoughts and screw you even more for being right.

"I shouldn't even be surprised that this is what your room looks like," I comment and he strolls past me to sit on the bed.

"Who said it's my room?" He questions. It's not?

"Well if this isn't your room I think your parents should've hired a better interior designer because this is the opposite of homely." Cole raises his eyebrows and I clock at how rude that sounded. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that that was rude of me I-"

I go to say is it looks so different from the small part of the house that I have seen but Cole interrupts me.

"Princess, chill. I was joking. It's my room."He laughs lightly

Jesus, Andie! What the hell are you doing!

He leans against the headboard and I hesitantly make my way over to sit on his bed.

"Stop being so awkward, Princess. I don't bite," He leans forward until we are inches apart. I hold my breath unintentionally and he looks me straight in the eyes. "Unless you want me to."

I move away before I do something stupid and his comment makes me hot. Is it hot in here? Yes, it's hot in here, somebody please open a window.

You need to chill out, Jesus...

"How about we watch something on Netflix?" I suggest, shuffling back to sit next to Cole properly.

"What about the chill part?" He asks, pouting. I scoff,

"In your dreams."

"Yes, you're right, in my dreams but I prefer to make my dreams come true." He's totally doing this on purpose. I grab a pillow, putting it over my face so he doesn't see how red I've turned.

"Stop." I groan and I can hear him laughing.

"Fine, I'll stop." I move the pillow away to see his hands up, surrendering. He picks the controller back up, "What about The Walking Dead?"

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