Chapter Thirteen: Noah

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I groan and try to block the noise out by covering my ears with my pillow. Ugh! How is it only Tuesday?

I do my boring school routine, not that it's interesting AT ALL. When I head downstairs I'm greeted by what I think is pancakes and they smell divine.

Who's made them? Is it Josh? Because Nadia and Mark have most likely already left for work. I get to the kitchen and Josh is there holding a plate filled with pancakes, I guess I was right.


I smile, excited to eat them. "I'm definitely not going to complain but why the nice gesture?" He brings them to the table, which has two places set up, with two glasses filled up with orange juice.

"I just wanted to apologise for yesterday, you're right, I was being selfish and I shouldn't have made it sound like you'll stoop to Cole's level." I frown, not at the apology but the Cole part. Of course I'm not planning to sleep with him, but Cole isn't a bad person.

"What's so wrong with Cole? We've both started to get along just fine."

"Alright, I'm sorry, It doesn't matter. Let's stop talking about him and just eat the pancakes, you don't know how many attempts and eggs it took to be able to get them to look semi-decent." I laugh and agree.

"Okay, now where's the syrup?"


Mia meets us at school and I travel with Josh, me being the one to drive. Again. Now that I also have a car, I seem to be the one to always drive us—lucky for him, not so lucky for me.

Coincidentally, Mia arrives at the exact same time we do. I quickly say morning and head to my locker while they go to theirs.

After bashing my locker multiple times, the stupid thing still won't budge. This school seriously needs to purchase new lockers, I mutter a few words that I'm not going to share with you. I swear enough as it is, I'll try and preserve your innocent souls as long as I can.

I finally manage to get it open and resist the need to do an entire celebratory dance. Putting, the books I need in my bag and the ones I don't back in my locker, I slam it shut and see Cole's distant figure get bigger and bigger as he walks towards my direction.

He smirks and I feel slightly disappointed that it's not the smile I've been getting all too often recently. The one I've gotten very used to.

Although, it does save me from my heart doing that stupid thing I was telling you about. Where it starts beating faster than it should. But when I start to think too much about his smile, my heart does exactly that anyway.

What the hell is going on with you?

"Hey," He waves his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my daze, "you good?" Oh my god, I'm blushing, aren't I?

Oh boy...

"Yep, I-I'm fine." He looks at me suspiciously but if he was going to say something, he doesn't because Seph, Bryce and Ash approach us.

You need to seriously pull yourself together. What's wrong with you? What was it you said yesterday? You didn't want things to be awkward? You're REALLY not helping yourself.

"Hey, Andie," Ash says to me.

"Hey." I greet him back and realise I haven't said hello to Seph and Bryce. "Hey, guys." I wave and as they go to say what I presume would be a hello back, Cole cuts in.

"Hey Cole, how are you today?" He says sarcastically and we all laugh, except Cole himself.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you Coley Woley, they just like me better." Cole rolls his eyes and Seph, Bryce and Ash snicker.

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