Chapter Fourteen: Mr Jealous

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I'm too focused on Cole not being here that I don't even notice that the teacher is missing.

Great, no Cole and no teacher—not that the teacher part is a massive issue. I'm tapping my fingers against my book waiting and when the door finally flies open I instantly hope it's Cole.

It's not.

I slump deeper into my seat, disappointed.

"Alright class, listen up!" All the chattering stops immediately and as she continues to speak, my attention is drawn to the door, hoping it will swing open and he'll be stood there. Cole would be stood there.

My mind is so occupied on Cole that I almost miss the important information Miss is giving us. "For the next week, we are going to be revising and looking over the small variety of novels and plays we have analysed previously." Her eyes skim over everyone and land on me.

"Andie, you may have learnt some of them in your last school. If not, then I'm afraid you'll just have to catch up." I nod my head-mentally groaning-and get my pen out, preparing to write as many notes as I can.

Boy is this lesson going to be dull.

"The upcoming slides will be summaries. If you choose not to take notes then this will most likely affect your overall grade for this semester." Everyone is still silent, all of us knowing our wrists are gonna ache by the end of the lesson.

We get ten minutes into the attitudes of violence and love in Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' when the door is opened, aggressively opened. There stands Cole looking just as pissed as he did last lesson.

Where the hell has he been?

"Mr Jones, what is your excuse for being almost twenty minutes late to my lesson?" He walks straight past her, not saying a single thing; his only response being an eye roll. He pulls his chair-which makes a squeak-and I continue looking at him meanwhile, he stares forward.

Once the next few slides are over, I notice Cole isn't writing anything down. "Psst, do you wanna use my notes?" I whisper as quietly as possible so the teacher can't hear.

He doesn't respond so he either didn't hear me or he's ignoring me. I hope it isn't the latter, what would I have done this time?

"Hey," I poke his arm to get his attention. "Did you hear me?"

Oh, how things have changed. I wouldn't have dreamed of fighting for his attention when we first met.

He snaps his head in my direction, so quickly that I almost jump. "Why don't you give them to Noah? You looked all buddy-buddy earlier and he's new, I'm pretty sure all English classes are getting ready for exams so he'll need it." His tone, hostile.

Wait, hold on, he can't seriously be... jealous.

Screw trying to see if he's okay.

"You're joking, right? Please don't tell me you're in a terrible mood because I hugged Noah. I thought something was actually wrong." He just huffs and turns back around, looking in front of him.

Immature as always.

"Why should it matter to you anyway? We're not together and never will be considering you can't seem to commit to anyone, ever." I whisper harshly and he looks back at me, angrier than before.

"Yes, you're right, we won't ever be together. But don't talk to me about commitment when you seem to be all over different boys every five seconds. Really, we're more similar than you think. Don't sit there judging me.

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