Chapter Eleven: Truce

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I get up on a Monday morning with a smile that I was incapable of taking off. I decide to put more effort into how I look by curling my hair, putting a little makeup on and changing into blue skinny jeans and a cute yellow top.

I didn't do much over the weekend other than text an old close friend from my old town. It's been a while since we last spoke and they mentioned that they might be coming to visit soon.

I grab my phone to text Cole when he's going to be here. If he stands me up and I'm late for school, I'm going to kill him. As soon as I hit send Cole's car pulls up outside, of course, just like Cole's timing for this to happen.

I could've just got Josh to take me to get my car over the weekend but I really couldn't be bothered to leave the house, plus the idea of Cole taking me to school makes me feel slightly... I'm not sure what the feeling is but I like the idea.

He rolls downs the window and his phone pings, he looks at it and looks back at me.

"Tsk tsk, patience is a virtue princess." Shaking his head in fake disappointment, I laugh as a response. I get in the car when the house door opens with Josh standing there.

"Where are you going?" He asks and he looks as if he's trying to downplay how pissed he is.

"Well, last time I checked it's a Monday morning and we have school so I'll give you one guess," I say jokingly.

"Fine," He says and turns he gaze onto Cole, "You're lucky we agreed to be civil." Josh grits his teeth while clenching his fists so they turn white.

Say what now?

"Wait I'm confused. Not that I don't think this getting along thing isn't a good idea, because it is, but-"

"It's being civil not getting alone." Josh corrects and I roll my eyes at his pettiness. Why's he so pedantic?

"What Mr Scrooge is trying to say here is," I correct Cole before he continues. Huh, I guess correcting people is a Mitchell thing.

"You do know Scrooge is Christmas right and it's not Christmas."

"Now's not the time for a literature lesson princess, it's not even half eight in the morning."

"Anyways, what I was saying is that we're trying to put our 'differences' aside for the sake of our senior year. Suspension after suspension isn't the way to go if we want to get good grades to graduate."

"Since when did you two care about grades." I tease.

"Yeah well, I agreed before I realised playboy over here probably did it because you're now hanging around him. So let me make one thing clear, make a move on her and I break our little 'agreement'."

"Really Josh? I was thinking you were the mature one."

Cole dramatically gasps, "Me? Not as mature as him? Never!"

I laugh and Josh rolls his eyes. "Well anyway, I think we should go, Mia should be here to pick you up in a minute, right?" My cousin huffs but nods.

The radio is on low and Cole is the first to speak.

"How are you today?" He takes his eyes off the road for a quick moment, looking at me, and then turns his attention back to driving.

"I'm better. I wanted to say thank you for Friday and for texting me over the weekend to check on me, I appreciate it."

"Not a problem. I'm just glad you're feeling better."

"Seriously Cole," I rest my hand on his spare one, "It means a lot." He looks at me with that look again, that god damn look I can't seem to figure out like his others. The one that makes my heart race ten times faster than it should.

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