Chapter Nine: It's A Date?

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Before he has the chance to drive off, I open the door and I say something before he can.

"Don't be so stubborn for once in your goddamn life. Show me your hand." I put my hand out gesturing for him to place his hand in mine and he rolls his eyes but does as I ask.

"It's nothing, I'm perfectly fine." He must've trapped all of his fingers because each and every one of them is swollen and appear to be purple. Ouch.

"You should be a lot more careful when closing the door," I say softly, smiling and trying hard not to laugh.

He looks at me unimpressed. "Yeah. Really, really funny," He rolls his eyes but I can see the smile he's trying to fight back. "What were you doing here anyway?"

"Mia thought we should go shopping," I say nonchalantly. I let go of his hand and speak again, "I wanted to say thanks by the way."

He looks a little confused but I answer him before he can even ask the question. "For defending me I guess, I appreciate it." I shrug and look down, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"I- I uh... Don't know what you're talking about." He rubs the back of his neck looking anxious himself. I roll my eyes at how badly he just denied what I said.

"Sure." I laugh. I look at his hand again, noticing that the bruises have gotten worse in such a small amount of time. "Does it hurt?" I ask, concerned.

"Not really, I guess it stings a little but nothing I can't handle."

"Are you sure?" My frown deepens.

"Yes princess, I'm sure." He chuckles lowly meanwhile I smile sheepishly. A warm feeling grows in my chest all of a sudden and it's weird but... nice?

"Are you okay though?"

"Princess, I said it's fine. Honestly." I shake my head at his reply.

"Not about that, about the fight. About everything. I just want to say sorry for slapping you, it wasn't okay and I know I shouldn't have done it. It's just... a bit of a touchy subject, that's all."

He smiles at me and lightly squeezes my hand, "Don't apologise, I was completely out of line. I shouldn't have said what I said. If I'm being honest, I don't think I was completely over what happened at the party."

What does he mean, 'not completely over it'?

My phone rings before I even get the chance to ask what he meant.

Looking at my phone, I see it's Josh and I give Cole an apologetic smile before answering the phone.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Where are you?" What a nice way to be greeted.

"Aw, no 'Hello Andie'? I think you, my dearest cousin, need to work on your manners."

"Sarcastic as always I see." I just laugh at his response.

"You know it. Right, I'm on my way home now, be there soon." I end the call and look back at Cole who's scraping his foot across the gravel.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go. I'll see you Thursday after your suspension has ended, yeah?"

He smiles brightly, "You got it." I wave goodbye, he does the same, and I get in the car and stare at Cole from the side mirrors as I drive away.

I smile to myself, I don't think that could have gone any better.


It's Thursday which means it's the day before my mums birthday. I'd be lying if I said the dread for tomorrow hasn't got worse as the week has progressed.

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