Chapter Twenty-One: Confessions And New Arrivals

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I somehow managed to convince Noah to drop the topic of Cole and he told me Jess was planning to come down some point this month. I freaked out of course but turns out I wasn't meant to know. It was meant to be a surprise.

Schools just finished and when I pull out my phone, I have texts from both Josh and Mia saying they're heading straight to the mall. They ask if I wanna tag along but I decline their offer and I see there are not many cars left in the parking lot.

There goes my plan to ask Noah for a ride, looks like I'm stuck walking home.

I start walking and there's a car I finally notice in the back of the parking lot. "Someone shoot me," I mutter and keep my eyes pinned to the ground.

Maybe if I don't look up he won't notice me.

I almost make it past his car when I hear the window roll down. I knew it was too good to be true. Of course, it wouldn't work.

"Do you wanna ride home? It looks like it's about to rain." I look up at the sky and he's right. The sky is covered with black clouds and it looks like it's going to rain any second now.

"No, I'll be fine but thanks." I leave school and not even two minutes later it starts to rain. And when I say rain, I mean rain rain.

My skin feels like it's incessantly being stabbed by the rain which is pelting down onto me. I walk as fast as I can, hoping it won't take too long for me to get home. A car pulls up right beside me.

But as you probably already know. It's not just any car.

"Changed your mind yet?" You can hear the smugness in his voice and that's all it takes for me to bite back.

"No. I'll be fine. I was fine before you so I'll be fine after you. I don't need you for anything." I say, hostile and Cole's smirk transforms into a smile.

"Why do I feel like this isn't just about the offer home?"

I huff in annoyance and jump when I hear the thunder which is followed by lightning.

"Just get in the car, princess," My heart flips. Stupid nickname. "It's getting dangerous." I start walking again and Cole starts to drive slow so he's still beside me.

"I said no. Go home, Cole." The thunder gets louder and the rain heavier.

"Get in the car, Andie. I'm not messing around." He grits his teeth and him getting angry gives me even more motivation to ignore him and continue walking.

Just because it's pissing him off.

I no longer hear the car engine and I feel victory when I realise he's gone. The lighting gets larger and so I begin to walk faster but I don't get far before someone picks me up, throwing me over their shoulder.

"You should've listened to me the first time, Princess. This all could've been avoided." I don't scream like I want to, I just resort to hitting his back with my fists.

"Put me down, asshole." He opens the passenger door and flings me in the seat, making sure to lock the door immediately after he shuts it. Looks like he knew I would've tried to make a run for it.

I shout at him but I'm completely ignored until he gets into the car himself. "You're so fucking stubborn." He grumbles while he starts driving again.

I realise the shouting and cursing isn't getting me anywhere so I go for a different approach. The silent treatment. The number one strategy to annoy someone.

"What, so you're just going to ignore me now?" I look outside the window while the rain makes a pattering sound as it hammers on the window.

"Can we please talk about what happened this morning?" Yep. Now I'm confident in my decision to not say a word. "Just speak to me for god sake." I try to push down the smile which is creeping its way onto my face.

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