Chapter Thirty-One: Graduation

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You got this Andie

Just do it


The rounds of applause surround me as the hundreds of parents—either cheering or crying—sit in their seats, watching their children grab their diploma.

My stomach churns due to the nerves and excitement that I'm finally graduating. I did it.

I did it, mum.

"And for the last time... Let's hear it for class 2020!" I turn my head to my left, Mia and Josh are staring at each other and I turn to my right with Cole's dazzling smile looking at me.

He grabs my hand into his and I see Seph, Noah, Ash and Bryce's head pop out from beside him. I laugh when Seph makes a stupid face and Noah playfully nudges him in the ribs.

They do make a good couple.

We all exit the stage and Nadia bombards both me and Josh with a hug. "I'm so proud of you!" She cries and once Nadia has hugged us both, so does Mark.

When Nadia hugs me again she whispers in my ear, "I know I keep saying this but it's because it's true. She would be so proud of you right now." My vision blurs because of her words and god I wish she was here with me right now.

Through my tears, I can see someone staring at me in the distance. Everyone walks straight past them and for a second, I think I'm the only one who can see them.

I blink repeatedly, trying to make my sight clear again, and with my free hand, I wipe my eyes. My vision finally focuses and I know who it is instantly.

My mother's standing meters away from me and she's smiling.

I must be hallucinating or something because there's no way she's here but I just enjoy it while it lasts because it's going to be a while until I see her face again. I smile back and a tear drops onto my aunt's shoulder.

"Mum?" I whisper and pull back from Nadia's hug, hoping she didn't hear me, grasping my necklace.

Wherever you go, I go.

It looks like she's nodding and I stand there, astounded. She says something, I can't hear her voice because of the noise from the crowd but I can tell what she says by reading her lips.

"I love you." I wipe my eyes again hoping to get a clearer look at her but when I move my hand away, she's gone. My heart sinks but I look to the sky and smile.

She's still with me.

Wherever I go, whatever I do, she's still watching me. Just like she said to me, she's always with me. Even if I can't see her...

I'm brought out of my reverie when a squealing Mia comes into sight. "We did it! We actually did it!" She hugs me.

"I know! I can't believe it!"

"Neither can I, we actually got through it." Josh chuckles, walking towards us to join the conversation.

"We survived high school!" Noah shouts and I hug him. I'm so glad I got to finish this year with him.

"Congratulations, Princess." I hear Cole's voice say from behind me so I spin around to look at him.

"We did it, Coley Woley." I tease and he rolls his eyes playfully. I throw my hands around his neck and hear him whisper against my hair.

"I love you."

I pull away to stare at him and say "I love you too." before kissing him.

"Hey, guys." I wave at Seph, Bryce and Ash who are all stood behind Cole. "So, what's the plan now schools over?"

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