Familiar Faces

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(P.O.V Blake)

I watched as Weiss woke up first and started looking around she stood up without a problem and stood by me.

Weiss: Are you okay?

Blake: Yeah just fine.

A massive groan could be heard we both looked up and saw Yang painfully trying to sit up both went over to help sit up when i looked at Aura. It was shattered i looked over at Nora and she was the same none left.

Blake: Jeez he really did a number on you Yang.

Yang: You think.. Wait wheres Ruby?

She looked over saw Ruby just now waking up.

Yang: RUBY!

She jumped out bed and started inspecting Ruby.

Ruby: I'm okay Yang just a bit sore.

Weiss: I'm curious why he did not use his Katana he seemed more proficient with it.

Yang: Showoff?

Suddenly a growl could be heard we looked around and we saw Nora looking around and then saw us.

Nora: I'm hungry..

Weiss: Don't you feel a bit injured?

Nora: Hmm Nope.

Ruby: Anyway..  Y/N's Katana anyone know?

Blake: He told me once when i asked him.

Yang: Well were waiting.

Blake: He said it has curse on that with the slightest cut of the skin the curse stops the heart of whatever in seconds.  

I saw everyone collectively shiver at my statement.

Blake: Thankfully Weiss and i knew him beforehand. I'm not sure if he would have killed us if we weren't before hand.

Yang: I don't care i want a rematch! He only won when that other women shot a fireball at me!

Awhile Yang was ranting i walked out going back to our dorm to read then i decided to try and call Y/N. My scroll ringed for a few seconds when i heard a voice come through.

Y/N: Hello?

Blake: Its Blake where are you?

Y/N: Better question are you in Beacon?

Blake: Of course.

Y/N: Use your brain on why i would not tell you.

Blake: Oh sorry.

I quickly ran out the courtyard and sat down  in the shade of tree.

Y/N: No problem whats up?

Blake: Just wanted to see if this was fake or not.

Y/N: The trust is real jeez.

I giggled a bit imagining Y/N pouting a bit.

Y/N: Uh... Blake.

Blake Yes?

Y/N: Dudes in a scary Grimm looking mask are normally worn by White Fang right.

Blake: Yes why.

Y/N: Are they supposed to be on Menagerie? With a tomato head looking fella?

Blake: ... Can you see what faunas he is??

Y/N: Ehh he has small horns. And there's a tan skinned girl there as well as others.

Blake: Adam.. llia.. 

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