Borrowing This

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The air in the Bullhead was a strained peace as our flight to Beacon was almost complete looking to my left I saw James staring at the rifle the guards of the Belladonnas were holding and their strange armor. Meanwhile, I sat quietly thinking about our plans moving forward when I felt the Bullhead land as the insides shook a little before settling. Standing up I moved toward the hatch as it began opening.

Ozpin: "If you would follow me please."

Walking out of the Bullhead I walked toward Beacon as I heard multiple steps falling in behind me. I could also hear low mumbles of interest that I knew consisted of not seeing ahem. "Proper civilization" as James would put it quite bluntly I could tell my two guests were losing patience with James statements. Quietly I got him to be quiet and I could hear murmurs coming from the students as some recognized the armor of the Faunus guards. 

And more then a few times we were stopped by my students I was about to send them off when Mr.Belladonna had them do some public relation as he put it. Continuing on we entered the elevator and went into my office as I arranged two seats for them as James stood and I went to my chair.

Ozpin: "Mr. and Mrs. Belladonna I appreciate that you are able to join us in this year's festival."  

Mr. Belladonna: "The pleasure is ours if not a bit abrupt in timing."

Ozpin: "I understand and apologize for any interruption of plans during our hasty arrival."

Mrs. Belladonna: "It is alright we both the understand how busy one can be being Headmaster of such a place."

Ozpin: "Still it is wrong to neglect such things and I have long since wanted to change such things."

And our talks went as such going back and forth between us I continued asking the basic questions time knows how long I've been doing that. As I skillfully managed to slip some unintentional sentences being slipped from them but to their credit, the Belladonna's are quite skilled at catching themselves. Still, I managed to gain some information not much for they have become more aware of their speech.

Slowly I was starting to bring this meeting to a close when James spoke.

Ironwood: "I'm curious of your weapons they would seem to be on par if not better then our Atlas rifles. I am wondering if you would be willing to give one of these up for research purposes all for defending the kingdoms and their territories."  

Mr. Belladonna: "I'm sure you have the capabilities to go without our rifle General."

Ironwood: "I would hope so I would hate to be outclassed in weapons tech by your people."

Mr. Belladonna: "I will try not to take offense to that General."

Ozpin: "Mr. Belladonna I apologize for my colleague he surely does not mean anything harmful right?"

Ironwood: "Of course I mean nothing ill towards you."

Mr. Belladonna: "I would hope not now if you would excuse us." 

Waiting until they went into the elevator and left I turned to my trusted ally.

Ozpin: "James have you forgotten we are trying to ease them into speaking freely?"

Ironwood: "I have not it's just... we know he's there why not just force it out of them?"

Ozpin: "You know we can't do that James."

Ironwood: "We can Oz this boy has three relics and the Fall maiden if he goes into the wrong hands all that we worked for over the years will be for nothing!"

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