Friends In High Places

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(A/N) I feel this one sucked i alot and i'm sorry for it.

I was being led down many streets with a bunch of others faunas looking at me with contempt I sighed to myself as we kept going. One of the caretakers was trying to speak with me but kept being told off by the guards. We later on came across a large home made of some fine wood like the other buildings here.

Y/N: "Quite nice."

Guard: "We don't need your pity praises human."

Y/N: "Fine i cant appreciate some fine architecture." 

One of them shoved me forward leading me to a rather large set of doors as one of them walked inside. A few seconds later the guard came back and motioned for me to enter i walked in and he led me to a rather large study room with a rather large man sitting down in the back of the room. Next to him was a Cat faunas with a strong resemblance to Blake.

Y/N: "Rather interesting."

I thought Observe.

Ghira Belladonna

Race: Faunas

lvl 90

Title: (Former)High Leader of White Fang: Chieftain of Menagerie: Father of Blake:

Kali Belladonna

Race: Faunas

lvl 50

Title: Wife to Ghira: Mother of Blake: Tea master:

Y/N: "Dang Blake you were holding out on me."

I was taken out of my thoughts when Ghira spoke

Ghira: What are you doing in our lands human? 

He looked very imposing in chair.

Ghira: "I wont ask you again."

Caretaker: "High Chieftain. I ask that you show kindness to him he has saved and helped our people more than once. Here on Menagerie and on Atlas where we were forced out of".

The other caretakers also said something to possibly help my case a little bit.

Ghira: "I shall take your words into consideration."

With a wave of his hands they walked out including the guard i looked around and saw Murasame behind his desk leaning against a book shelf.

Ghira: "Now what is a human doing on a faunas island hmm."

Y/N: "Believe it or not i came to help." 

Ghira: "Why should i trust you?"

Y/N: "I never asked you to trust me." 

Ghira: "What is your name human?"

Y/N: "Y/N L/N. Yours?"

Ghira: "Ghira Belladonna."

Y/N: "May i know yours Ms?"

Kali: "I'm Kali."

I nodded and looked at the desk seeing pictures of a young Blake.

Y/N: "I want to call someone."

Ghira: "None of your human friends are going to help you here."

Kali: "Who would you be trying to call?"

Y/N: "Someone your very familiar with."

Ghira: "Well get on with it."

I pulled out a customized scroll and calling Blake it beeped for a few seconds then i heard her pick up.

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