Seeing Silver

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(Y/N P.O.V)

It's been a day and a half since I gave that speech in Kuo Kana and according to my map of Remnant, my Grimm Extractors are cleaning out more than usual. But I have not heard anything from Adam yet but I'm not worried yet. releasing a yawn while stretching I took one last glance at the map before me and used the Marker in Atlas.  As I appeared in the over-familiar H.Q building as I headed out.

(P.O.V Change)

After returning to Beacon Ozpin decided to give us some time off after reporting our findings and leaving some events out of it, Ruby and Yang went back home while Weiss and I sat in our dorm to continue thinking about the further details about Salem. I laid back on my bed while I saw Weiss out the corner of my eye scrolling through her scroll and at multiple moments holding in gasps before continuing. A few minutes passed in silence when suddenly I could hear multiple footsteps outside before they stopped and someone knocked on the door slightly opening it.

???: "Anybody here?"

Before Weiss or I could answer the door burst open as Nora came through.


A collective sigh could be heard inside and outside the dorm as the rest of team JNPR came inside.

Pyrrha: "Sorry Weiss and Blake I tried to stop her."

Blake: "It's fine we all know how she is... anyway what are you doing here?"

Jaune: "We heard you got back from your mission from Vacuo and were wondering how it went."

Weiss: "It was something alright."

Blake: "Yeah... different than expected."

Ren: "How so?"

We told them about our stay in Shade while leaving out the extra things we did and catching up on news around Beacon like a Bullhead crashing into the Headmaster Ozpins tower which surprised both of us. As I sat up the scroll that was on my chest slipped forward and fell as I tried to catch it only for Jaune to catch it in his hands. I stared wide-eyed as Jaune's eyes skimmed through the pictures and lines of information before he just froze in place.

Blake: "Jaune..."

Jaune: "What's all this? possible massing area? Potential settlements that could be overrun!" 

Pyrrha: "Jaune are you okay?"

Jaune: "Blake please explain to me what I'm seeing."

Blake: "If I do that I have to explain what happened while we were in Vacuo."

Jaune: "I don't care my sister according to this map is in a potentially overrun area! I need to know what this means!"

Blake: "Well... these maps were accurate sightings since yesterday of Grimm slowly amassing all over the place."

Pyrrha: "Are they attacking?"

Blake: "No not yet but according to my friend if they keep growing then..."

Ren: "How accurate is your friend? these are some very bold claims."

Blake: "Everything he has told me was confirmed by himself, I trust him." 

Weiss: "I do as well."

Pyrrha: "Well before anything drastic happens let's go over this together then come up with something, Jaune are you okay with that?"

Jaune: "Yeah... sorry Blake."

Blake: "It's okay that was an understandable reaction but are you sure you all want to know? You're going to be in the same boat as us."

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