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(Y/N P.O.V)

Standing amongst the rubble of Vacuo I could hear a few bangs in the distance every few minutes but other than that silence. Currently, I was patrolling a section of the city making sure there were no Grimm just lurking around as Anri did a check on her Hunters and civilians. As I got to the main wall surrounding Vacuo I could see the wide expanse of desert and a few shadowy figures lurking in the distance.

The night was slowly coming as I saw more of my troops take positions on the walls for lookouts throughout the evening as I started walking back to the academy. And of course, I was thinking about this attack meanwhile I did not explain it to Anri that I was here to borrow the relic that's on a need to know basis she does not need to know. Looking into the starry sky as I continued on my way I thought I saw something flicker in my vision before going away shaking my head and continuing on I finally made it to the main courtyard of Shade.

Everywhere on the ground beside for in front of the door was taken up by family's and none to seriously injured resting or sleeping on sheets and blankets. Walking inside the "open" door that was really just a huge hole where the door once was I moved quietly heading to the office of Anri spotting some more people resting in halls with various weapons near them or in their hands I walked past them and entered the office to Anri. Upon entering I could see Anri with her head in her hands as she looked at me with her tired grey eyes.

Anri: "Ozpin should have noticed this tower has gone down hours ago anyone should have noticed."

Y/N: "Eh everyone kinda sucks I know from experience then again never went to Mistral so can't speak for them."

Anri: "Once again I must give thanks without your troops Vacuo would have been lost to the Grimm. Its a shame I can't give anything for your peoples help we just can't spare the resources at the moment there is already a short supply, to begin with.

Y/N: "Say what would you say If I could theoretically change most of the desert of Vacuo to a Grassland and rid the Grimm in a certain area?"

Anri: "Are you even being theoretical right now?"

Y/N: "Possibly and what would you say to join in an alliance with Kuo Kuana?"

Anri: "If theoretically, you could make this happen on the account of the help your already lending I would gladly join."

Y/N: "Good to know you go get some sleep and rest easy Vacuo shall make a return better than before hopefully."

Anri: "You are a strange one Y/N and for what it's worth I hope your right... Good night." 

Anri walked past me and down a hall to where her room might be meanwhile I walked back outside awhile yawning and went back into town and set up a second H.Q and started placing transparent outlines of what I want as I watched my money quickly get evaporated. And I quickly put down a Marker and prepared to grab a few Techpreist for they have some things to construct.

(P.O.V Change/Timeskip)

Feeling the hot sun bear down upon me as I slowly stirred awake and sit up rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes I slowly slid out of my bed when I suddenly remembered the events of yesterday! Quickly putting on my clothes I rushed out of my room and headed to the main courtyard and when I arrived I saw the blankets, sheets and the odd mattress here and there but no people. Looking around I saw something that I couldn't believe the expanse of desert sands was now green grass and dirt and forestry here and there.

Clutching my hand to mouth as I took in the sight I saw a strange flying vessel coming toward me and it started hovering as a hatch on the back opened up and someone with strange equipment stepped out.

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