Continuing Life

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(Summer P.O.V)

Pain, darkness, and fear gripped my mind as I awoke in a cold sweat with different Grimm flashing through my eyes I quickly opened my eyes and looked around in a panic and saw I was still at home. Breathing heavily I looked out the window and saw the rising glow of the sun pierce through the trees. I cloud hear birds sing and see the calming scene that many others would'int take another glance at but to me it's a sight I will appreciate for all my life.  

Hearing the door open I saw Tai come inside with a tray that had food on it and placed it on my lap gave me a light hug that I returned before he left back downstairs. He had taken many days off to spend time with me but he needed to go back to work with much reluctance on his part I managed to convince him to go on. Smiling as he left I slowly began to eat the breakfast he prepared for me I slowly ate my food while staring outside.

It wasn't long before I finished eating and slipped into the bathroom and took a warm shower I enjoyed the feeling of water cascade over me as I cleaned myself of sweat and tried to scrub invisible feelings of dirt. I stepped out the shower and slowly dried myself off making sure to rub my face extra just to make sure. Putting on some other Pajamas I walked downstairs and saw pictures of Ruby, Yang, and Taiyang with each picture I was there up until I was wasn't a whole line of pictures full of birthdays and other events that I missed and can't ever get back.

My eyes slowly began to get blurry as I realized tears were falling down my face and I slumped onto the floor and let myself cry. Nothing but my sobs filled the room I lifted my head and wiped my eyes I hated everything about the way I was feeling my dreams are plagued by Grimm I can't stop the feeling of paranoia that everything I see and feel is still a trick. But the memory of holding my daughters in my arms again manages to beat it back

But the Grimm and that woman... still haunt me I open my eyes and look across the room and I see my old, dirty and destroyed cloak sitting there a constant reminder. My eyes flash with memories of torture and pain. And I am just not sure about anything anymore but In the midst of those memories, I remember the one who saved me from that torture and brought me back to my family.

 Suddenly a strong feeling interrupted my musings bringing myself to my feet I felt a sudden craving for something I forgot about years ago... Cookies!

(P.O.V Change)

Sitting outside on a bench in a park enjoying the cool morning breeze as I rubbed my hand along Sif's back while holding my hat in my other hand. While the park was empty the odd person walked by and stared at the strange women and the huge wolf beside me.  As I sat there I could hear the leaves rustling around me and at that moment I wondered what Y/N has been doing.

He has not contacted me in quite some time and while I enjoyed the time I could spend with my daughters I would like to be kept in the loop of what's happening. But Sif and I have been training in the emerald forest so we don't get rusty but mostly so I could pass the time. But I know I will have to be patient until he can pick me up.

In the natural silence, I could hear a disturbance coming from behind me sitting still I glanced at Sif and noticed her ears twitch in the direction behind me. Standing up slowly, I put my hat back on and turned to face the people behind me. Sif stayed laid down as I observed the group of five approaching us.

On their shoulder pads, I saw a familiar snowflake logo on it with all of them in the same light grey uniform.

???: "Mrs. Schnee we finally found you your husband is very worried."

Willow: "I would very prefer if you got to the point."

???: "Well then... All that you need to know is that you have to come back with us to Atlas and you can go back to your drinks and we get paid."

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