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After using the Marker I landed inside a familiar metal floor but looking outside showed the snow-coated trees of Atlas. Heading out I thought about what just transpired with team RWBY a few moments before while I was trudging through the snow I walked past the other completed buildings as I saw Tech-priest's get to work building another Warp Gate. Continuing my heading toward Atlas Academy In my Vindacre Armor while having part of my vision on a map.

That Serina showed me further detail about the strange situation in the land of darkness sighing quietly to myself. I knew this already but I have defenses set in Vacuo, Menagerie, and now working on Atlas, Beacon should be fine but I should think about preparing to help them and Mistral as well. Thankfully the academy came before me as I gazed to the roof where I saw Adam standing looking forward.

Adam looked down and saw me and I waved him down and started sliding down the ornate carvings down till he landed at the front door.

Adam: "Yes human?"

Y/N: "Salem is doing something and being picked up by Serina so we have to make some preemptive measures."

Adam: "Like what?"

Y/N: "Once we find Vernal I will be sending you to Vale and let me know when you can assemble whatever White Fang remnants that are still willing to fight with you. I am considering sending Vernal back to Raven she's gonna need the power if the Grimm starts invading en masse like I think I they will. And I will be heading to Sienna Khan to attempt to convince her to help Mistral defend their borders."

Adam: "I assume so we can fight Salem without worrying all too much about our backs falling and causing more problems."

Y/N: "Exactly right I would prefer to have the entire power of the Militia to fight in the Land of darkness instead of spreading them all over the world."

Adam: "I see... though my people in Vale are not that well-armed."

 Y/N: "Yeah I suspected so as I said let me know when you assemble all of them Ill bring some gear."

Suddenly Adam glanced past me and I turned around as well to the sight of Vernal walking toward us.

Vernal: "Hey Serina told me to meet up with you what do you need?"

Y/N: "Thank you... Serina?"

Serina: "Yep."

As Vernal got closer I explained the plan to her as she listened intently.

Vernal: "So I'm going back to Raven?"

Y/N: "Yeah that's the plan and hopefully a certain someone can convince her to assist the defenses when a certain invasion starts."

Vernal: "I see what you're getting at but it's very unlikely."

Y/N: "Yeah I realized that a while ago but better than not trying."

As I rested my hand on her shouldering seemingly without anything else on my mind I undid the Scroll of Sealing.

Vernal: "What the!?"

Stepping back as a dark green color glowed around Vernal before dissipating she flexed her arms and legs as she tested the Aura that filled in her body. Observe


Race: Human

lvl 175

TItles: The Decoy: Spring Maiden*Fake*: Bandit: Assistant of Swords:

Y/N: "You have shaped up nicely now we have no time waste lets get to work."

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