Battle Frenzy

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I sat with my team only half listening to another boring lesson from Prof. Port. I sat by Weiss as she was not paying much attention either I already made my decision after seeing how every encounter with Ozpin went when Y/N was there I decided not to set up a meeting between them. If Y/N did not give Ozpin a chance before I'm sure he as a good reason for it.

Time crawling at a slower pace than usual class finally ended and I headed to the library to do some more information gathering feeling a little tired but better then I was before taking Y/N's words to heart and getting some more sleep. I had sat down when I got a message and a picture from my parents. I smiled looking at the message of them wishing I have a good day and to stay safe and a picture of more buildings sprawling across a large area and other Faunas smiling with hope for the future.

In the background, I saw something I have not seen before looking at it closely I realized it was a targeting range and other buildings honestly way to advanced for Menagerie. Before I could question my parents as to what those buildings were and where they came from I heard the door to the room open and close looking up I saw Weiss looking very irritated.

Weiss: "Blake have you seen my scroll?"

I shook my head no and she sighed exasperatedly and walked out continuing her search I felt like I was being watched looking around I heard and saw nothing. Making sure I felt where my scroll was and it was still there thankfully. Pulling out a book I got back to work looking for answers. 

(P.O.V Change)

I was currently in an I.D it has been a while since I used this thing pushing back against a rather large Ultralisk destroying it in the process I slumped down and watched my new partner on her second day of training looking at both of us I checked my Stats and hers.


Y/N L/N EXP 1.000/400,000

Race: Human

Lvl 130

Hp 4,100

Sp 2,360

Mp 3,600

Title: The Specialist Of Atlas: Hunted: Wolfpack: Ally Of The Faunas: 


STR 260

END 81

DEX 100

INT 120

WIS 100

LUK 80

Free Points: 105

$ 750,000







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