Chapter 25: Blood Letting

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Indigos P.O.V

Indigos eyes shot open. Her vision was blurry as she tilted her attention around her unfamiliar surroundings. The room was dark only lit by a lamp but she could tell it was still daylight outside by the light seeping through the crack of the curtains. There was no sign of Rick or Shane but she could see Carl next to her. She could tell even through her weak vision that he was losing blood quick. Her hand brushed across her bandages wincing in pain. She tried to getting up in distress as she cried out knocking over a pot plant, the pain she felt was excruciating in both her chest and her stomach.

"Rick?!" She screamed, "Shane!" Her cries were constant before two unfamiliar faces burst into the room followed by Rick. She felt her self cough violently, blood splattering across her wound covered in bandages. They both came up to her as she pushed them away in fright. Rick placed his hand in hers as she clung onto him.

"It's okay, Indi. I'm here honey. Everything's going to be okay." He told her softly but concerned, "They're gonna help you."

"R-Rick..." She sobbed in between screams. Rick felt sick it was like watching Carl all over again.

"She needs blood, Rick." Maggie stated, "Soon."

Hershel undid her bandages as the girl thrashed around, "She has internal bleeding! If she continues to move like this, she will die." He yelled, "I need you to hold her down."

Indigo watched the tool Hershel held as he pinched it inside her stomach. She let out a piercing scream reaching out towards Rick who sat helplessly beside her. Indigo felt herself grow increasingly exhausted drifting back into darkness.


Ricks P.O.V.

Rick felt like it had been hours. She was in so much pain and he felt completely useless. She had fainted from the pain making it a little easier for Hershel but it was a mission.

"She's out of danger for the moment, but I need to remove those remaining fragments."

"How? You saw how she was." Rick stated brushing his hand through her hair. Maggie had washed her hair out for her, he was thankful.

"I know, and that was the shallowest one." Hershel replied, "She still has one more near heart, I need to go deeper to get the others."

"Oh, man." Shane sighed rubbing his temples.

"There's more."

"Tell me." Rick responded, this day couldn't get anymore worse.

"Both kids belly's distended, their pressure's dropping, which means there's internal bleeding in both of them." Hershel's eyes gazed down at them, "A fragment must have nicked one of the blood vessels in Carl. Indigo pinned the other fragment deeper into her chest. When she leaned up she caused herself to bleed internally. I will have to open them both up, find the bleeder and stitch it. And they can't move while I'm in there. I mean, at all. If they both react the same as before, I'll sever an artery and they'll be dead in minutes. To even try this, I have to put them both under. But if I do, they won't be able to breathe on their own. Same bad results."

Rick was speechless as he fiddled his thumbs together bringing his entire hands up to his face. He was exhausted, "What'll it take?"

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