Chapter 31: Hide n' Seek

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2 days later

Indigo sprinted across the field, her sandy locks swaying in the wind. She grabbed the roots of a tree nearby which helped guide her way up into the branches. She could see Carl on the patio of Hershel's house. They were playing a game of Hide n' Seek. Carl sure as hell didn't know what he was in for when he boasted about himself being a good seeker. She spread herself across the thickest branch allowing herself to be more hidden within the leaves.

"Ready or not, HERE I CoMe!" She heard Carl scream at the top of his lungs. She felt herself snort at his voice crack.

The small girl felt herself almost falling into a deep slumber. It had been almost a week and a half since she woke up from a coma and she still felt exhausted. You'd think being into a deep for almost a month, it would be the opposite. Coming back into reality, she realised Daryl was sitting below her. She peeked out nosily. He was consistently flicking through the pages of a pretty thick book. Since when did Daryl read?

"Daryl, have you seen Indi?" Carl all of a sudden squealed making Indigo almost fall off the branch. She held her chest, her heart was pounding. Where the heck did he come from? Indigo carefully peeked through the leaves grinning at Carl's frustration.

"Ain't the point of being the seeker' is to find the other person?" Daryl stated placing down his book, "Not asking others for help?" Carl looked taken back and crossed his arms.

"Well...humph...when did you even read anyway?" He spat in an attempt to defend himself.

Daryl stood up slapping the book closed as Indigo shrunk back into the branches watching him. He walked towards the deeper patches of the field when he suddenly turned towards Carl, "She's up in that tree."

Indigo's jaw dropped open, "HeYyY?! That's not fair?!"

Daryl chuckled when he heard the small whine from the thickest branches in the tree. Carl watched in awe as the girl climbed down the trunk walking over to them, kicking the dirt, "jerk. How'd yah' even know I was there?"

"Saw yah' crawling through the grass like yah' were trying ta' camouflage or somethin'."

Indigo grinned, "Did it work?"

"Did I find yah'?"

Indigo huffed as Carl smiled, "I knew you were up there the entire time."

Indi rolled her eyes, "sure yah' did."

"C'mon, Indi. Mum will be so mad if she finds out we didn't stay with Carol."

"What're yah' doing out here anyway?" Indigo asked ignoring Carl. Daryl looked at his book.

"Thought I'd get my mind off things for a bit."

"Fair enough," Indigo smiled grabbing Carl by his shirt, "now let's go  back before yah mum yells at us for running off!"

"Oh so now you wanna' go."

Indigo laughed cheekily as she punched Daryl in the arm, "That's for telling Carl where I was."

Daryl smirked watching the little girl disappear into the fields along with Carl. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky but he couldn't shake the feeling that it wouldn't last but he was glad Indigo was running around. She always made everyone feel better.

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