Chapter 2

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Some time later....

I waited for some time until Lesley showed up.
"Hey Ria!" Lesley said and hugged me, I hugged back.
"Lesley!" I said
I explained everything about how my parents kicked me out and I have no where to stay.
"Ria. It's okay. Of course you can stay with me. As long as you want." Lesley said sitting next to me.
"Thanks. But it's just for tonight or until I get a job and I can rent an apartment and pay you back." I said.
"Look! Don't ever say that! We're best friends, more like sisters, don't pay me back." Lesley said.
"Thanks." I said. Then she smiled and helped me with my suitcase and went into her car.

Lesley's home....

"Here, you can sleep here for now. Its and spear room. It isn't much but it's all I've got." Lesley said.
"Are you kidding? It's great. Couldn't ask for anything better." I said. The room wasn't much but it was good, better than nothing.
"Well freshen up and I'll prepare something for you." Lesley said.
"It's really okay. I don't want to trouble you anymore." I said hoping I'm not actually bothering her.
"Okay. I'll make it if not for you for your baby my little niece or nephew. Ok...I'm so gonna spoil them." Lesley said smiling.
"Awe. Thank you. Sooooo much." I said and Lesley laughed and went on. I went to the bathroom and took a shower and brush my teeth and hair.
After I just throw on a random nightgown and tie my hair up in a high pony. After I was done I looked at myself in the mirror.
"A new life. A baby, my baby. I will never abort you. I will keep you." I said and smile.
I then walked out and went to meet Lesley in the kitchen waiting for me in the dining table.
"You're actually waiting on me?" I asked.
"Why wouldn't I? Anyways I was thinking since you had half a year to finish school maybe I can persuade my boss to give you an job in the fashion company I work for?" Lesley said and I couldn't stop smiling. I sit down and eat with her.
"I would appreciate it. We can go tomorrow." I said.
"Yes. But the thing is my boss is a very strict and asshole sometimes boss." Lesley said and I laughed.
"We'll persuade him somehow." I said and we continue to eat.

The next morning....

"You sure this is suitable to go with?" I asked.
"You've change like five times already. Come on." Lesley said and I looked at myself one more time before nodded, grabbing my bag and following her. I was wearing on a red long sleeve, black skirt with not to high black heels because of my pregnancy. My long hair let down. I did a little make-up.
Lesley was wearing a black dress, black heels and a little heavy make-up.
We went with her car and finally reach the Johnson's fashion company.
"Here goes. Cross your fingers." Lesley told me.
"Okay....let's go." I said and we came out the car and went inside the building. We went in the elevator and so far other than morning it was completely silent between me and Lesley.
"This way." She said as we came of the elevator and walked through an hall. We stopped at a door marked Chairman and CEO.
"Let's go." I said and we knocked on the door.
"Come in!" A stern and straight voice said. We looked at each other then walked inside.
"Good morning Mr Johnson." Lesley said. This guy, his face seems so familiar. He was tall by the look of it, fit and thin, hazel cute eyes, black hair, fair complexion and sexy cheekbones. He looks like twenty-five or something. So young and already a boss. Huh!
"Good morning Mrs Williams. Who is this by your side?" He asked seriously. Its as if he does know what a smile is.
"This is a friend of mine who desperately need help." Lesley said.
"Does she?" Mr Johnson said.
"I do. Please just hear me out." I said.
"Mrs Williams you can leave." He said and me and Lesley looked at each other before she left.
"Have a seat." He said. I went and sat in the sofa across from her.
"What is your name?" He asked still serious.
"Aria, Aria Carter." I said and he looked at me.
"Age?" He asked.
"17." I said.
"Are you still in high school and here for an internship? Because we don't do that here." He said. Geez he's so ignorant.
"Well I have to say the truth. I made a mistake some weeks ago and I recently found out I am pregnant and my parents kicked me out and I'm staying at my friends, Lesley's place but I can't stay there for long so I need to get a job to raise my baby." I said sadly and Mr Johnson kept looking at me.
"Well sorry. Did you tell the child's father?" He asked. Is all this really frickin necessary?
"I did and he just left me. He took advantage of me when I was drunk." I said.
"Well I'm not gonna help you because you have no education and practically you're at fault because no one told  you to lie in bed with a stranger." He said and this just got me angry.
"Excuse me? I was taken advantage of, okay! And you know what forget it. I'll get a job elsewhere!" I said and stomped off angrily.

One week later....

I sat on my bed and just kept thinking. Where else could I find a job? I've search everywhere else!
I think Lesley is getting tired of me because she bearly speaks to me. I better talk to her and ask her what's wrong.
"Lesley?" I called. I went to the living room to meet her. Some guy was sitting on top the counter in the kitchen.


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