Chapter 54

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Aria's POV....

After I've finished cleaning and feeding Veronica I put her sleep. Now that she is I can finally spend some time with Selena so that she doesn't feel left out.
"So what are we gonna do?" She asked.
"What do you want to do?" I asked her as we both left the nursery and I close the door leaving an crack and then went to my room putting the baby monitor on my table next to bed. There was another one in the living room and kitchen.
"I don't know. You choose." She said.
"Hhmm...I don't know.." Then I remembered the party they're gonna throw for Veronica welcome home.
"Shopping?" I asked her.
"What for?" She asked.
"Maybe a new pretty dress for you to wear for the party and I also have to get a pretty dress." I said.
"Okay. When do we go?" She asked.
"Now. I'll drop Veronica by my parents and then we will both go shopping and spend some fun time together okay?" I said and she nodded.
"Grab your jacket incase." I said and she nodded once more running off to her room. This is the perfect opportunity to ask her about the diary without Brittany hearing. She will get furious. I then went and grabbed my purse. I then saw a brown wallet on top my make-up counter.
"Hmm! Again he forgot." I said as I opened his wallet to see his picture. I'll stop by his office after I'm back from shopping. I'll give him his wallet and bring him some pizza. I then put the wallet inside my side purse bag and left. I packed a big pink baby bag with some baby clothes, her bottle, milk and other things incase she wakes up. I went back to my room and gently took Veronica up.
"You grandma and grandpa will be so happy you came to visit." I said kissing her forehead.


"Aria? You going somewhere?" Shane asked me.
"Yes. Uhm...I was gonna spend some time with my parents and Selena. I'm carrying Veronica for to visit." I said holding a sleeping Veronica and her baby bag on my shoulders. Luckily the straps where long so it isn't much strain.
"Okay. You want me to drive you there?" He asked.
"It's okay. I'll ask the driver to drop me. My dad can bring me back. You can help me by bring the baby car seat?" I said.
"Okay I'll one minute." He said.
"Come on Selena." I said as Selena followed me outside and went to the car. I placed Veronica in the car seat and strap in the buckles.
"Bye see you all later." He said and smiled with a nod following.
"George, take us to my parents home. I'm sure you all know the address?" I asked him.
"Yes ma'am." He said as he drove the car.


After arriving I told the driver to wait for some time. I then walked up to the front porch and stood by the door.
"Selena can you press that button on the side of the door?" I asked her.
"Yes!" She said excitingly and pressed the button twice waking up Veronica.
"Oh." I said. Then the door opened to reveal my mother. She finally recognize me.
"Aria!" She said hugging me gently.
"Hi mom! Where's dad?" I asked.
"He's inside." She said.
"Can you hold her? She's a bit heavy." I joked as my mom laughed holding Veronica.
"I don't have to invite you in. You know to come in." My mom said walking in. I looked at Selena and we both shrugged at the same time. Then we both walked in.
"Hey dad!" I said hugging my dad.
"Hey princess!" He said hugging back.
"Aw look! The other princess came." He said letting me go and going by my mom whose holding Veronica.
"You mean three princesses!" I said indicating to Selena.
"Of course! Princess Selena." My dad said shaking her hand.
"Hi uncle." She said.
"Aw. Hey Selena you want some cookies? They're fresh from the oven." My mom said.
"Hey what about me?" I asked pouting.
"Come on! You're a mother now. Not a five year old anymore." My mother said.
"Dad! Hear what mom's telling me." I said.
"She's right. You're a mum of two precious girls." My dad said smiling at Veronica and Selena.
"That I am. But doesn't mean I stop eating cookies!" I said.
"Me and Aria is going shopping!" Selena said.
"Oh. So that means Veronica is staying with us?" My mom asked excitedly.
"She sure is. If you both don't mind. I mean its a lot of work." I said.
"Ria. Shes our granddaughter. And we've raised you didn't we? You were this small once." My mother said.
"Okay thank you mom!" I said kissing her cheeks.
"Enjoy yourself. And be back before dark." My dad said as I kissed his cheek.
"I will dad, bye." I said as I nodded for Selena to follow me.
"Alright George. Take us to the usual family mall that they usually go to." I said as he nodded and we were off.
"Can we listen to some music?" Selena asked.
"Sure. Uhm...George turn the radio on please." I said.
"Yes ma'am." He said as he turned on the radio.
"You know. You don't have to always call me ma'am? You can call me Aria." I said.
"Well you're different from the rest of then by a lot." He said.
"I get that quite a lot." I said as we both laughed.

At The Mall....

After arriving I told the driver he can go and I took Selena up to the second floor.
"Let's check here. We're getting your dress first." I said.
"Okay." She said as we walked in and we looked around until I finally asked her.
"What colour?" I asked her.
"Purple or white." She said.
"It's a simple baby party so nothing over dress. We need it a bit simple." I said then my eyes feel on one that'll fit her perfectly.
"Ou! Here's a nice one." I said showing her the dress. It isn't all that over decorated. It's simple and just perfect.

 It's simple and just perfect

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The dress for Selena.

"Do you like it?" I asked her.

"I love it!" She said and we then carried it to cash.


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Till next time bye love you all...😘✌❤

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