Chapter 13

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After the doctor me and Mr Johnson was on our way back. He was driving and I was in the backseat behind him. It was weird as how when I look at the rearview mirror and sees him he stares back at me.
" you want to go somewhere? We have some spare time before we leave to go home." He said.
"Uhm...I am not sure. Maybe a restaurant? I'm a bit starve." I asked.
"Of course." He said. Okay what happen to my mean and cold boss?


Couple Hours Later....

After having lunch we went to sit next to the Eiffel Tower. The sunset seems beautiful.
"Waw! Can't help it but say this place is so pretty." I said. The way the sun is's so dreamy. I really wish I could take a couple pics with my boyfriend here. If I ever had one.
"You're right. It truly is beautiful." Mr Johnson said. Then I think our hands touch and we didn't realise until now.
"Uhm...sorry I didn't.." Then I was cut off by him.
"It's okay. But the sun setting here is a beautiful place." He said.
"It is." I said looking at him. He was looking at me and then we were somehow getting closer to each other. As we came closer I then realise and we both move away. I think he has realized it to.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"We better get going." He said nervously and left I followed behind him.

On The Private Jet.....

I was sitting next to a window looking outside. The beautiful night clouds was pretty, it was dark but I could still see the clouds and from the light from the jet. It was late, probably about eleven or something. I haven't seen Mr Johnson since we came on the jet though, I wonder where he went?
Then I started to feel sleepy.
"Coffee?" He asked.
"Sorry, I've been forbidden to drink coffee during my pregnancy." I said and he nodded.
"Oh yeah." He said sitting next to me.
"How do you handle that?" He asked suddenly.
"Handle what?" I asked confused.
"You know, like people pointing fingers and laughing going through all that do you stay so calm?" He asked.
"Because of my baby." I said.
"Really? Because of your pregnancy you stay calm?" He asked.
"Yeah. But it hurts of course. Even though I don't admit it much it hurts like hell. You know I just cry my way thinking that I'll never be able to find the guy who would hug me at times like that, you know." I said without knowing who I'm talking to.
"Tough. Say...about..." Then suddenly the plane jet started rocking.
"Arh!" I scream.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Hang on to something! We're gonna crash!!!" The pilot said.
"What?!" Mr Johnson asked.
"ARHHHHH!!!!!!!" Both me and Mr Johnson scream then I just blank off.


I woke up my vision was a bit blurry but I recognize that I was in someone's arms. It was Mr Johnson. I gasp and quickly got up looking around. I saw the plane is pieces and fire in most parts. The place was a bit dark like if it is now turning into morning time.
"Mr Johnson?!!" I called shaking him lightly. He groan then woke up.
"Ugh! What happened?" He asked as I helped him sit up.
"Accident." I said. I had a couple of scrapes all over my skin. Mr Johnson's arm was bleeding.
"Your arm is bleeding!" I said. I quickly remove my shawl I had on and wrapped it around his bleeding arm.
"You don't need to." he said.
"I'm guessing you saved me and my baby from getting major injuries. The least I could do is help you in anyway I can." I said as I tie it tightly.
"Ah!" He groan out as I finish.
"Sorry!" I quickly apologize.
"It's okay. Are you okay?" He asked.
"Just a few scrapes and bruises." I said. Then he got up. As I raised up a sharp pain hit my stomach.
"Arh!!" I scream holding my stomach.
"You okay?! Mrs Carter?!" He asked.
"I'm fine. Its just the impact must have hit my back." I said as he helped me stand properly.
"John?!" Mr Johnson called. Our pilot John wasn't to be found.
"Where is he?" I asked walking around. Mr Johnson was also looking around. As I walked I saw his the pilot's headset. I followed it that leads to his dead body.
"Arh!!!" I scream in fear. Mt Johnson quickly came running.
"What is it?" He asked as he look where I was looking and he gasp.
"Shit!" He said.
"What now?" I asked.
"I don't know. First we find out where the hell we are." He said.
"We're in the middle of nowhere." I said as tears stream down my face.
"Relax! Let's search and see if we find a phone or anything useful." He said and I nodded and tears stream down my face.


After searching for about fifteen minutes we meet back together.
"I found an touch and some water and  food." I said. Well the food is mostly cookies in a pack and some marshmallows.
"I found my phone but no signal." He said.
"Damn it!" I said.
"I found a medical kit, some knives and a my suitcase, well what's left of it." He said handing me a jeans and two of his t-shirts.
"Smooth." I said and he handed me a small bag that he kept his laptop in. Well his laptop is surprisingly working I think. We put all we found useful into the bag.
"Good now we get moving until we find a place that my phone can pick up signal." He said and I nodded.


We walked until we couldn't walk anymore and stopped by an river.
"The sun is rising. Let's take a break." He said. I sat down facing the river. He looked at me as the sun was rising.
"Sir?" I called.
"The reflection I see is a beautiful angel." He said as the sun glared onto my face and on the river.
"Thanks." I said blushing. I could actually feel it. God do I wish to kiss him right now!!


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