Chapter 61

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I walked pass Scott's room to see his bedroom door wide open with him sitting in his sofa with his laptop on his lap, typing away. He was wearing glasses?! I didn't even know that! I then remembered I had to fill him in the plan. He'll have to tell Lesley, Justin and Mark. I knocked on his door before he looked up from the laptop.
"Hey." He said.
"Hey, can I come in?" I asked and he pointed his hand out gesturing me to enter.
"What's up?" He asked as I came in front of him.
"Didn't know you wear glasses." I said as he stood up removing his glasses.
"I...uh..only when I'm home." He said and I raised my eyebrows.
"Let this secret stay in here? Please?" He asked.
"Of course." I said.
"Good. So do you need something?" He asked.
"Yes actually, a favor." I said.
"What kind of favor?" He asked.
"'s really, should be kept in here and you're also gonna have to tell Lesley, Justin and Mark." I said.
"Sure." He said. I then took a deep breath before telling him everything. About the day with Sasha in the hospital, the diary, the attack, the suspect and his mom was the last thing I told him about.

"Wow! Why the hell didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked.
"Sorry. Didn't want to put you guys into danger." I said.
"I understand. I'll tell Jus, Les and Mark. Can I include Kevin?" He asked. I then raised my eyebrows smirking.
"Oh come on. There's nothing going on. We're just friends, well actually he's good at computers hacking and those things." He said.
"Fine. But no one should know. Especially not your parents and definitely not Brandon." I said.
"Sure. But I think you should tell Brandon." Scott said.
"I am. Just after our honeymoon is over. He's really excited and looking forward so I don't wanna ruin that." I said.
"Honeymoon? So that's why you're asking me to do this?" Scott asked.
"Yes." I said.
"Enjoy your honeymoon. By the way. You should wear an lingerie." Scott said and I tapped his head hard.
"Ouch! What's that for?" He asked.
"Nothing. Anyways, gotto go. Thanks again Scott." I said.
"It's the least I can do. I mean I owe you more than this, for leaving you. You've went through all that trouble because of me." He said.
"And you paid back. By me marrying your brother, that's something you've missed out." I said.
"Maybe." He said.
"Well I'm going. We're leaving in a while. You and Veronica can spend some time together then." I said.
"Maybe we will. Even Selena is there. See you." He said and I smiled before leaving.

After sometime I then finished packing our suitcases, when Brandon came into the room.
"Hey. You ready?" He asked.
"Uh...I guess." I said. He then pecked my lip and took the suitcases downstairs. This was the first time he did that! Wow! I then quickly followed him out. We walked down to meet everyone else in the living room.
"So you guys will be off in an hour time. So better hurried to the airport." Brittany said as if she was relieved.
"Of course." Brandon said.
"We'll see you all in a few days." I said holding Veronica whom was starting up with a sad face.
"Don't worry about Veronica. We'll take great care of her that she won't miss neither of you for a second." Shane said and we all laughed.
"Not only her I'm worried about." I said gesturing to Selena.
"Of course. How could we forget about princess Elna." Scott said and Shane laughed. Brittany's facial expressions changed to a mean looked.
"I'll take care of Ronnie!" Selena said.
"I know you will. See you in a few days." I said as I kissed Veronica and handed her to Brandon. I then stoop down to Selena's level and kissed her forehead giving her a quick hug. After saying our goodbyes we left. I hope I did the right thing by leaving this quest with Scott and the others.
"Good luck guys." I whispered under my breath as I walked out the door with Brandon.

Scott's POV....

After Brandon and Aria left, my parents took Veronica to the nursery and Selena went back to her room. I remembered I have to inform Lesley, Justin and Mark about the plan. I'm still thinking about inviting Kevin. I mean he's a cool fellow but...something about him is just not right. Ah frick it! I'll ask the others if they're okay with it.

Some Time Later...

I have messaged Lesley and the others to meet at the Lake Park so we could talk in person. I've finally arrived and met them.
"Look who said to reach early and is ten minutes late!" Lesley scolded me as I sat down on one of the benches.
"Sorry! It was traffic." I said lieing.
"Really? We all came that way and there was barely a car passing." Justin said.
"I'm here now! Let's just get this over with." I said and they all looked at me.
"Why have you call us here? Was it so important that we couldn't meet at home or something?" Lesley asked.
"It's...complicated." I said and began explaining what Aria told me.

"And Aria kept this from us?" Mark asked.
"Seems like it." I said.
"This sounds crazy. I mean, your mom? What does she has to do with anything?" Kevin asked.
"That I don't know." I said.
"Well tomorrow we start searching?" Lesley asked.
"We're gonna need to start from now. First thing first, the night she got attack. We need to go back to the building and ask to see the camera footages on who entered." I said.
"I can help with that." Kevin said.
"But I have some work to finish in the office." Lesley said.
"Me too. I'll do tomorrow's work so I'll take the day off tomorrow." Justin said.
"Okay. And you Mark?" I asked.
"I'll see what I can do." He said.
"Okay. Well call me if any of you all get any information. Any little thing can help. And remember no one must know about this. We made this promise to Aria." I said.
"Done." They all agreed before leaving. Kevin had stayed back and sat next to me.
"Don't you have to go to office as well?" I asked him in a kind way.
"I don't work in an office. I...well at the moment, I am jobless." He said.
"Oh. Well you wanna go check out the building?" I asked in a friendly way.
"It's not like I have anything else to do." He said and I laughed a little. Before nodding and we both then left.


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Hmm...whats going on with Kevin and Scott? Oh well, even better question what will happen next when they find the security camera footages?

Next update will be very lit dudes!!

Click the star below and comment what you think, so you all till next time bye😘✌❤

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