Chapter 5

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Aria's POV...

I was outside Mr Johnson's office. At least I have my own table. I was almost done with this final designs. Ugh!!!....I'm so hungry!!! But I forgot to pack lunch. Shit! What do I do? And I don't have money. Hmm....nevermind I'll wait until I reach back home. For my first paycheck I will take Sasha and Selena out. They're both so sweet and nice.
"Little one, you're gonna have to be little hungry until we get home. I promise I'll make it up to you, okay? Mama loves you." I said rubbing my stomach. Then I got up and went inside Mr Johnson's office.
"Mr Johnson I'm finished..." He cut me off.
"Don't you know how to knock? Did you leave school not learning proper manners?!" He said in a mean way.
"I'm sorry. It wouldn't happen again." I said watching the ground.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"Well I'm finish with the files." I said handing him it.
"Good. Its lunch break for half hour now. You can leave." He said.
"Its okay. I can do more work. I don't have anywhere to go anyways." I said.
"As you wish. You can start by cleaning out that cupboard then. You can get an extra tip." He said. What the hell do I look like?! But then I don't have an choice.
"What? I meant like if you had more designs..." I said.
"You need the money don't you?" He asked.
"I do but....." He again cut me off.
"Nothing. Go start." He said. How rude....I nodded and went to it. While he was getting his keys I walk to the cupboard and held my stomach.
"Here goes." I whispered to myself looking at my stomach. I opened the cupboard and saw a set of pages and files.
"Uhm...Mr Johnson, what exactly do you want me to do?" I asked.
"Put them in a neat order of course." He said walking out. I sighed but did it anyways. After I was done I got an message. It was Sasha.

Sasha:"Hi, I've realised that you haven't took lunch. I'm down in the lobby, coming up."
Me:"Thank you."

Awe, I'm so glad someone actually cared for me. I was just finished cleaning his cupboard and I have ten more minutes before lunch ends and Mr all mean and bossy returns.
"Hi!" Sasha said coming handing me a brown bag.
"Thanks, but you really didn't have to do all this." I said.
"Its really no problem. I mean, I know how it is during pregnancy time." Sasha said. I smiled.
"Thank you sooooo much." I said. After we've both had lunch Mr Johnson had return.
"Lunch break is over! Back to work!" He said.
"Sorry. I was just..." Mr Johnson again cut me off.
"I don't care! I strictly said half an hour!" Mr Johnson said. I then nodded.
"Okay." I replied.
"Can you do me a favour later? Can you pick Selena up from school. My schedule is a little tight." Sasha asked me.
"Of course. No problem, I would love you." I said. Mr Johnson as still standing looking my way.
"Thanks. Good bye." Sasha said.
"Good bye." I said. Mr Johnson was still looking my way. He came closer to me.
"You're lucky you've got this job Mrs Carter. Don't try and take advantage because of your pregnancy. It wouldn't work with me." Mr Johnson said.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Don't use your pregnancy as an excuse!" He said leaning closer to my face. We're probably inches away. I nodded. He then walk back to him office slamming his door, making me flinch.
"The door should of fell on you." I said easily smiling.

Couple Hours Later.....

It was three and I'm on my way to pick up Selena from school. As I reach there she came running my way.
"Aunty Ria!" She said hugging me easily.
"Oh hi sweety! How was school?!" I ask.
"Fun!" She said. I smiled then we started to walk home. As we've arrived home Selena went inside her room and I closed in the door and went to my room.
I'm feeling to throw up for some reason. Shit! I haven't took my medicines. I better go and take them quickly. After taking then I went to prepare dinner.
"Hmm...let's see. It is now four p.m." I said to myself. I wonder what to cook? I open the top cupboard and found spaghetti. I took it and then went inside the refrigerator. There was barely anything in there. But I found tomato sauce. I got it, spaghetti with tomato sauce for dinner! Well at least its the best. I started to prepare.

3 hours later....

I was finish with dinner, it was seven. I was just finished showering and changing and was watching television with Selena whom also bath and changed. She was watching television when her mom came in.
"Mummy!" She said running and hugging her. I also went and give her a hug.
"Glad you're home safely." I said and she nodded.
"Yes, so tired. I better go and prepare dinner." She said but then sniff.
"I've already prepared it. I thought you would be tired so I made dinner today." I said.
"Thank you so much." She said.
"Oh come on! Let's go have dinner me, Selena and junior Aria is a bit hungry. I'm pretty sure you're hungry." I said and we all laughed.

Afta dinner...

"Hmhmm!!!! Dinner was amazing! So delicious!" Sasha said. We have put Selena in bed and we were both in the sofa now just chatting.
"That's nothing. I've actually learnt from my mom. Well she and my dad use to go competition and I used to be judging them after. My mom would win with normal cooking and dad would win with baking. That was the fun time." I said tears rolling off my eyes.
"Hey it's okay. In about seven months time, you'll have a little angel to smile with. Your angel and mines would be best friends." Sasha said making me laugh.
"Of course. Selena and junior Aria here would be best friends more like siblings." I said.
"I know right. Then who knows maybe one day we'll all go on an vacation to Paris!" Sasha said smiling.
"Of course we will." I said laughing.


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