Chapter 51

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I hid inside the wardrobe my hands covering my mouth. My breathing got faster and the atmosphere got intense. Shit! What do I do? I heard the footsteps entering Sasha's room. It was more like heavy boots. This is just like that stupid horror movie!!! The person who ever it is seems like they're looking for something since I heard ruffling going on.
Question is who is looking for what? Maybe it's an serial killer? Nah! It can't be because why would they even know the owner of this place isn't here anymore. But who could it be? I'm guessing it's an male since the footsteps are loud.


Shit! A message came into my phone! I heard the footsteps coming my way. Crap! Crap! God please help me!!! The wardrobe door opened revealing a person in an black mask.
"ARH!!!" I scream as they grabbed my hair and dragged me out of wardrobe pushing me in the floor.
"Ah!" I held my head in pain.
"ARH! Let me go!" I screamed again as they grabbed me by my hair and punched me in my face. I'm pretty sure my nose is bleeding cause I can feel the blood running down.
"ARH!" I screamed in pain again.
"I've just gave birth last night! Do you know how much pain that is!!" I yelled at the person pulling their eagle pendant necklace out from their neck! I was aiming for the throat!
"ARH!" I yelled once again in pain as they punch my stomach or gut. I dropped to the floor in pain. Then they took an knife and pointed it at me.
"No! No! Please!!" I yelled as I closed my eyes to feel the pain but nothing happened. Instead I heard other footsteps running in.
"Drop it!" I heard Scott. I opened my eyes to see both Scott and Brandon both with guns in their hand. Where did they get that from?! My head and face hurts like crazy!!
"Drop it or we pull the trigger!" Brandon said as the person raised their hand and was about to drop the knife when he or she instead kick Brandon and cut Scott's hand.
"ARH!" I screamed as Brandon shot against him but only grazed his left hand. I then started feeling a bit weak.
"Aria!" Brandon said as he and Scott came and stooped next to me. Brandon's arms wrapped around mines.
"Are you okay?!" I asked him.
"Forget me! Are you okay?!" Brandon asked quickly.
"I don't know." I said holding my head and nose.
"Let's get you to the hospital." Scott said.
"No! Veronica is home!" I said.
"She is safe. She's with mom and dad." Brandon said.
"Okay. But I still don't wanna go to the hospital! It's just head and nose pain! Just some pain killers tablet and a nap and I'll be fine!" I told them.
"No! Definitely not!" Both Brandon and Scott said in unison.
"Guys! I'm fine! Just a little pain. That's all. Besides I promise Selena I'll be back soon." I said trying to make up an excuse to not go back to the stupid dumb hospital.
"Stop making excuses. If you go home like this mom is gonna a freak out and so will dad." Scott said.
"So? I'll use the back door." I said.
"It's been lock and besides it'll be lots of trouble to go around there." Brandon said.
"Well I'll climb through a window." I said.
"All windows are bullet proof. It doesn't open since the air-condition is always on." Scott said.
"Oh come on!" I said holding my head and closing my eyes.
"We're wasting time! Come on let's go to the hospital! After we get back home, you got a lot of explaining to do!" Brandon said as he helped me up.
"We'll file an report to the police about the person who tried to kill you." Scott said.
"No! I mean not yet at least. When we get home I'll explain it." I said. I then saw the pendant necklace and quickly grabbed it without either Brandon or Scott noticing. I held it inside my hand until we've reach the car and quickly put it inside my bag once again without them noticing. They then got inside the car an we then drove off.


After arriving at the hospital, I was taken inside the doctor's room. Dr Murray was attending to me. Scott was in another room since his injury is more survey.
"Uhm sir, we need you fill out the a form." Said a nurse to Brandon. Brandon then nodded and looked at me.
"I'll be fine." I said as he nod to me and left.
"How is the pain?" Dr Murray asked. His gorgeous eyes glittering. I think I will hook one of my old friends up with him. Wait that's if he isn't already taken?
"Mrs Johnson?" He called me.
"Yes?" I responded not knowing what he asked or told me.
"How is the pain?" He asked again.
"It's eased up. I am much better now." I said. Honestly my nose was okay my head still hurts a little.
"You sure? No more pain?" He asked.
"I'm sure. And can I ask you something?" I asked him.
"Sure." He said.
"You said something about an amnesia to me? What were you talking about?" I asked him.
"Only time can help you remember." He said.
"Why can't you tell me?" I asked.
"You really wanna know?" He asked.
"Yes!" I said.
"Ask your parents about it." He said.
"Great!" I said rolling my eyes. As if they would tell me shit!
"How's your baby?" He asked me and I looked at him as he attended my small scrape to my head. Have to admit he was pretty to close to me. If Brandon was here, he wouldn't ve this close, trust me.
"Are you listening to me?" He asked.
"Sorry I was lost...what did you say?" I asked him and he laughed.
"I asked how's your baby?" He said.
"She's fine. Just a little miserable. Always crying and waking up." I said and he held back an laugh.
"It's natural." He said.
"Well, it's difficult." I said as he was finished. I looked at him and he looked at me. We were staring at each other eyes. I am trying to remember! Come on! Remember! Remember! Then the door was opening when he walked away from me and Brandon came in.
"So you ready to go?" Brandon asked and I nodded. I looked at Dr Murray before leaving. He's hiding something that he wants to tell me.


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Hey y'all don't forget to click the star below and comment what you think would happen in the next mysterious chapter... I'll update soon✌
Bye love you all till next time..😘❤✌

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