Chapter 50

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After leaving the hospital, we decided to just head home. I was in the back with Veronica.
"So are you excited to go home?" He asked.
"I am excited. More like happy because hospital food, ain't tasty." I said and he laughed.
"Don't worry, mum is making a lot of delicious food at home especially for you." He said.
"She's cooking?" I asked in a surprise way.
"Yes. Surprise aren't ya?" He asked.
"Damn right I am. Can't wait to get some sleep as well." I said smiling.
"I can't wait either." He said as he continues to drive.

The Johnson's Mansion...

After arriving I entered with the scent of delicious food cooking.
"Hhmm!!! I can't wait to eat." I said as I gently and cautiously hold Veronica.
"There she is!" Brittany said with an green pattern apron.
"Hey mom. Veronica is sleeping." I said.
"Carry her up. And you also get freshen up and come back down." She said.
"Of course. Where's Selena?" I asked.
"In her room." Brittany said.
"Okay. See you." I said with Brandon following me up.
"Eh em'! Brandon! Your father was calling you in his office." Brittany said. I turned around to see Brandon stopping his smile. He seemed fretting.
"Go!" I whispered shout to him and he looked at me, groan and left. I then laughed and carried Veronica to our room. I opened the door and rested Veronica on the bed and made she is completely asleep before I went into the shower. I remove my clothes and then allowed the water to fall over my head as I closed my eyes. Then a memory flashed back to my head.

Flashback Memory....

Sasha:"I want you to find out the past and can you fulfill my last wish?"
Me:"Tell me."
Sasha:"I want Brittany Johnson punish."
Sasha:"You'll find out when you start researching about Selena's father."

I then open back my eyes taking a deep breath in.
"I still have to fulfill your last wish. And I will." I said to myself.

Some Time Later....

After I've finished showering brushing my teeth and changing I went out to see Veronica still sleeping. I kissed her forehead and then left to go down.
"Hey Aria. Come eat. I myself prepared everything for you." Brittany said and I smiled.
"That's really sweet of you." I said. I saw Selena sitting alone by the table where everyone else was at the opposite side so I went and sat next to her.
"Hey." I whispered to her.
"Hey. You're back!" She whispered back and we side hugged a little before pulling away.
"So. The baby monitor is already set up and the nursery will be ready by tomorrow morning." Brandon said sitting next to me.
"Oh, nice. So can we start lunch? I'm starved." I said and we all said a little prayer and then started to eat.

Couple Hours Later....

After lunch I went upstairs with Selena and we both spent some time together with baby Veronica. I wanted to ask Selena about the diary but I don't want to bring the topic back on. How do I ask her?
"Veronica looks like you." Selena said making me smile.
"She sure does." I said.
"Yep!" She said smiling.
"Selena can I ask you something?" I finally asked her.
"Yeah?" She said or asked. Okay here goes.
"Do you know where your mom hides the diary?" I asked her.
"I think it'll be under her bed in a box." She said whispering in my eyes.
"Okay. Thank you." I told her. Now I just need an excuse to get out the house and into Sasha's old apartment. I think I should tell Brandon about it? Or should I keep him out of it? I don't know. Maybe for now I should let him stay away from it.
"Uhm...Selena I am going to get that diary. Don't tell anyone where I'm going okay?" I told her.
"Okay." She said. I grabbed my side bag with money and my phone in it, I then took Veronica up.
"Okay come on." I told her. We both then walked down to see Brittany and Shane sitting in the sofa.
"Uhm...mum? Can you do me favor?" I asked walking in front of them. Both Brittany and Shane looked up at me.
"What is it?" Brittany asked.
"I have to go somewhere. To meet Lesley and Justin. Can you watch Veronica for about an hour?" I lied to her. Please fall for it.
"Sure. I'll be glad to." She said as I handed her Veronica, whom was making cute baby noises.
"Awe!" They all awed at her.
"Okay thank you. I'll be back in an hour." I told them leaving the house. I went and tell the driver the address.

After I've arrived to the apartment I got out the car.
"Michael you can go. Justin and Lesley is meeting me up here." I told him.
"Yes ma'am." He said leaving. After he was far off I walked into the building and into Sasha's apartment. The lady knew my face so she gave me permission. I opened the door and walked in. The place was dark so I turned on the lights. The furnitures were all covered in white sheet. I walked by the frame pictures and saw Sasha and Selena. I passed my hand through the furnitures and everything that once belonged to Sasha. Well it still is. I then walked into Sasha's room and closed her door. I stoop down and search under the bed.
"Where's the box?!" I asked myself.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I yelled furiously standing up and stamping my feet.
"Where did it go?" I asked myself. I then decided to search the entire room. I checked her wardrobe but it was only her close in it. I checked through all her drawers and found a picture. It was Sasha, she was standing next to a guy whom was holding Selena when she was a baby. Who is this guy? Is it Selena's father? I then took the picture and put it inside my side bag. I then searched under her mattress but nothing. Only a few fashion magazines.
"Come on!" I said as I decided to search Selena's room. It was completely empty. I checked my old room which was also empty. After about an hour I still didn't find anything. I sighed out deeply. Then I heard footsteps coming from the living room. I then quickly ran back inside Sasha's room. The footsteps got louder.
"Shit!" I whispered shout. I then quickly hid inside the wardrobe. I closed it slowly and hid inside it covering my mouth with my hands.


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Hey guys school is starting back so I wouldn't update as much but I will. I promise to keep updating soon....till next time bye love you all😘✌❤...

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