Chapter 3

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I walk closer to the kitchen and then I saw Lesley.
"Lesley?" I call. She look annoyed in someway.
"What is it?" She ask in a mean sort of way.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Isn't that what you're suppose to ask me?" She said rolling her eyes.
"We need to talk in private." I said. We went inside my bedroom to talk.
"What? Make it quick." Lesley said.
"Lesley? We've been best of friends for so long, why are you avoiding me?" I ask.
"I'm not. I'm just busy and all. I barely get time for myself." She said.
"If you're getting tired of me around here just say it!" I said.
"I'm not." She said lieing I can tell by the look on her pretty so call innocent face.
"Lesley something is off! You're not yourself anymore!" I said a little too loud accidentally.
"FINE! You wanna know! Yes I'm tired of you! You're just pregnant and living on me!!" She said which brought tears to my eyes.
"That's all I needed to hear. You want me to leave! Fine I'll frickin LEAVE!!" I said angrily and went and grab my suitcase and pack it with all my belongings.
"Aria? Stop!" Lesley said. I completely ignore her and as I was finish packing so quickly in less than three minutes I pick up my suitcase, place my other hand on my stomach and left.
"Aria I'm sorry, please just don't leave." I just ignore her and left. I walk out and just kept on walking. I then ended up by a lake. I saw a bench and went an sat down.
'Here I am again. No where to go and nothing I have to eat. I must find a job, somewhere..I don't know where.' I thought to myself.
'I'm just gonna have to start searching for an job starting from now. Its about four already I think. Let me go check around. But this suitcase, where do I leave this?' I ask myself. I'll frickin take it with me.
I got up and walk to some restaurant not to far from where I was at the lake. I walk in and decided to ask the cashier.
"Excuse me, where can I meet the owner of this restaurant?" I ask the woman, she's about nineteen years old looking like, shoulder length straight blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, tan complexion and thin.
"The owner is this Mr Johnson. He's also the CEO and Chairman of the fashion company, believe he's really frickin strict." My face went to a shock mode. Its Lesley's boss. Shit! I hate that guy. He hates me more.
"Ma'am?" The woman call.
"Oh, sorry. you know where I can get a job? I desperately need it. I..I need it not for myself but baby. I'm a month pregnant." I said sadly. The woman look at me a bit shock.
"Oh, I didn't thought're a bit to young, I...I...think you need to ask Mr Johnson." She said.
"That's the horrible thing. I've already went to him about a week ago and he didn't give me a job because of my pregnancy." I said sadly.
" you have spear time later?" The woman ask.
"Of course." I said.
"Well can you stay back until my shift is over. I have like one more hour remaining. Then we can talk?" She ask.
"Of course. I appreciate that." I said and carried my suitcase and sat in the corner. I was starving.
'I don't have any money and I can't even buy water thats to tell you. I... didn't imagine my life would be so miserable. Ugh!...God please help me!" I said. If I do get a job I promise myself the first thing is to find an apartment and then pay the doctor a visit.

One Hour Later....

I was listening music in my phone until I saw 5 p.m. Finally, this woman is finished with work. Then as everyone left, I saw an new bran clean black SUV pull up to the front of the restaurant. It was a guy. Shit! It's Mr Johnson! I quickly put away my phone and headset an quickly ran by the counter.
"Uhm...excuse...when are we going to leave?" I ask.
"Oh, now. Let me just see what my dumb boss has to say." She said looking annoyed in seeing Mr Johnson. I then walk back and accidentally trip.
"Arh!" I said scared of my life that something would happen to my baby and fell luckily someone caught me in time. They then pull me back up.
"Thank you!" I said as I turn around but wish I didn't. It was Mr Johnson. He just walk past me. Not even an your welcome. So mean. I quickly ran and got my suitcase. After about five minutes the woman came to me.
"You ready?" She ask and I nodded. While walking out Mr Johnson look at me but I just turn my head away.
"So what's your name?" The woman ask.
"Aria Carter. You?" I ask.
"Sasha Mitchell." She said.
"Listen I just wanted to have an job, I've tried and a lot of people have thrown me out of their life. I know it was stupid of me for what I did, but I was drunk and taken advantage of. After I told my baby's father he left me alone." I said with tears rolling of my eyes.
"It's okay. I understand. Because I am 19 years and I have an 2 year old toddler. I got pregnant at age 17 as well. My parents kicked me out. The child's father he did leave me but not dump me. He died in a car accident last year. Ever since I found this job, Mr Johnson hired me, so thankful that I can raise my baby and myself." Sasha said as we walk.
"Oh. What did you get, a girl or boy?" I ask out of curiosity.
"Oh..a girl." She said laughing.
"So sweet. You were telling me about the job?" I ask.
"Oh yeah. You wanna come over by me and have some tea or want me to walk you home?" She ask.
"My parents kick me out, I started staying by my friend whom also got irritated of me and I left so I'm not sure where I'm gonna stay. I really need this job to rent an apartment." I said.
"Good thing we found each other. Stay with me for the time. I could really use the extra company." Sasha said.
"Thank you. As soon I get a job I promise to repay you." I said.


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