Chapter 60

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I walked in and heard the fire shut behind me. I was scared but I had to be brave.
"Uhm..uhm..Mr.." I realize I didn't get his name.
"Michael." He said.
"Michael, I met your brother, Mark.." He then cut me off.
"I know. He's your doctor. Now why exactly did you visit me today?" He asked.
"Well let me get straight to the point then. I want to know about those eagle pendant necklace you brought." I told him.
"Ah...that. I've recently return from abroad. Me and Mark grew up close together, our parents died in a brutal car accident." He said.
"I didn't ask about that. You're shifting from what I am asking you." I said bravely to him. Well so think I am.
"You're a straight person aren't ya. Well I thought of buying a gift for my brother since I'm returning since so long." He said.
"Where did you buy it?" I asked him.
"At the mall. Some mini jewelry store." He said.
"I know where. Now where were you about six days ago?" I asked him.
"Why would you like to know?" He asked walking up closer to me. I backed away a little.
"Because...I was attacked by someone." I said.
"And what does that have to do with me?" He asked.
"You're my suspect." I said through my teeth. I was furious now.
"By what proof do you have?" He asked.
"Humph! The person that attacked me, was wearing an eagle pendant necklace. I grabbed it from their neck and have it with me. Now I wonder what will happen when I give the evidence to the cops." I said threatening.
"So you are one of the tough one." He said.
"Tell me where were you?!" I asked.
"I was with some friends." He said.
"And you expect me to believe that?" I asked.
"You don't want to believe me? Then fine! Ask Mark!" He said.
"I will! But you're still a suspect!" I said.
"Suspect? That's a strong word you know. Accusing someone for the wrong they never did." He said.
"Where is your necklace then?" I asked.
"I lost it that night. I was drunk and didn't know what happened." He said.
"I will have to talk to Mark about it. And don't feel I am done with you Michael Murray!" I said and before leaving his door he spoke.
"Better hurried it up. I am leaving for Paris tomorrow." He said and I looked back at him before leaving and storming out his door. I then heard the door shut closed. I walked to the car where I saw Brandon standing outside his back leaning on car door.
"So how'd it go? Did you get what you came for or whatever it was?" He asked as I just ignored him and went inside the car behind the driver's seat. Veronica was in her car seat next to me and Selena was in the side of Veronica.
"What's wrong?" Brandon asked as he came inside the car, closed his door and put his seatbelt on.
"Nothing. Let's go. My work here is almost over." I said.
"Aria, what's going on?" He asked.
"Nothing. Let's go, we're all hungry and tired." I said. He then didn't bother to argue and started the car before driving off.

After arriving at home I fed Veronica, changed her and then put her in the crib in the nursery to sleep. Selena was asleep in her room since it's already after eight p.m. I have no idea where Brandon is at the moment. I just laid on the bed and look at the ceiling.
I am lost in a dark path. I don't know what to do. I have to tell Mark about the attack and he'll have to help me find out the person. I just can't imagine who could they be. Unless they are Sasha's rivalry, one of her enemies. But the only person who hated her so much was Brittany Johnson, Brandon and Scott's mother. But that's impossible, the person who attacked was a guy. Maybe she hired someone? The diary!
"Aria?!" Brandon called as he came in closing the door and sitting next to me on the bed.
"Sorry, was I daydreaming?" I asked.
"Yes, maybe." He said lying next to me.
"I'm sorry." I apologises.
"It's okay. What were you so lost in?" He asked.
"'s not important." I said sitting up and quick kissing him.
"Well you can make it up." He said.
"And how do I do that?" I asked him knowing where this is going.
"We plan our honeymoon." He said and my smiled vanishes. This is not what was going through my mind.
"Honeymoon?" I asked him.
"Why? Aren't you happy?" He asked.
"Yes I am. Its just...what about Veronica and Selena?" I asked him.
"My parents and your parents are there. And we're only going for two days." He said.
"Really? But where?" I asked him.
"The place where you always dreamed of visiting?" He said.
"Is it....?" I asked and he smiled then nodded.
"Paris." He said and my face lit up.
"I can't wait!" I said as he sit up and hugged me which I hugged back.
Shit! But what about the person that attacked me? I have to find that person to find that diary. I'll have to leave this investigation for someone to complete. But who? Maybe Lesley and Justin? Yeah I'll fill them in on it tomorrow. But I should also let Scott join them since he knows a lot of people and the larger the group that better. In that way no one can get kidnapped or hurt. I'll also fill in Mark on it.

The Next Day....

I woke up got dressed and went to the nursery to see Veronica is awake. Selena was in her room I'm guessing.
"There's mama's little baby. Whose awake? Huh's you..princess." I said picking her up. She was smiling at me. I then cleaned her and changed her, after I fed her Brandon came in as I was finished.
"Look whose's dada!" I said and started whining and wiggling to go by him.
"Awe, she wants to come by dada." Brandon said picking her up.
"So mama has to do all your work for you and you now you choose to go by dada." I said as she smiled. Its as if she knew what I was saying.
"Yes she loves dada more." Brandon said.
"Alright then dada should put her to sleep." I said and Brandon looked at me smiling.
"No problem. Meanwhile you're gonna go get packing, we're leaving for Paris this evening." He said and my mouth dropped.
"What?! So soon?" I asked.
"Yeah. Go on, get packing." He said and I gave Veronica a kissed on her head and then gave Brandon a quick kiss before leaving the nursery to go to my room to pack our clothes.


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