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We were on our horses and since Prince Bowan was leading this quest, he was guiding. His royal pain just had to take the lead and not ask for help. He was such a dultz. He stopped looking around. "I thought Valeir was right here."

I rolled my eyes. "Prince, we're far off still. You were going east instead of north. Please, let me lead us. You are incredably lost and disoriented. I won't take over your quest, I would just like to get there safely."

He smiled nervously. "Oh, yes. I should have the travelling master leading the way. I'll fall behind to fight in the flanks."

"Of course, Prince Bowan."

After hours of correcting our path, we finally made it to Valeir. It was just was wonderful as I remembered. There was street performances and people selling things at every corner. Stores with treats inside that smelled like home. My real home. Though my home was muhc more beautiful, I had to admit. We rented a spot for our horses for the day so we could collect supplies. 

As we walked around, Bowan just followed me. "How much are we getting?"

"We'll be going into a dangerous part of the forest soon. You've never been past here before because it's full of looters and monsters. Killers even. A prince pelt would be worth a lot in their area of the forest. It's a no mans land. We need weapons, food, water. We won't be able to stop so we'll need a light source for travelling in the dark of the night. The stars don't even shine there."

"How do you know all that?"

"Experience. Just keep up."

After getting everything we need and putting it on our horses, I took Prince Bowen into one last store. "What are we doing here, Vic?"

"Light. The best way to do that is with magic. This is a magic store. There has to be someone here who can help us."

Walking through the door, it was a wonderful sight of colours and herbs. As Prince Bowan was looking at every single thing he could, I was collecting healing herbs and things that we would need for our next stop. I was about to pay for everything when I found Prince Bowan talking to a girl. He made me go over to them. 

"Vic, this is Rathelia. Rathelia, this is Vic. Rathelia and I met seven years ago. She helped me find my brother when I got lost wondering around. She's a real magic user. Isn't that cool?"

I rolled my eyes. "Good visiting time, Prince Bowan, but we have a quest to comeplete."

Rathelia jumped for joy. "A quest? I've always wanted to go on a quest! I'm a Spell Keeper! I can help on the quest! If you're going to Wyverna, you'll need someone like me! I can fight off bad guys! Oh, Prince Bowan told me you're going after Irseval. I can help you take him down and save the royals! I heard the princess is in hiding. If we can stop then, then maybe she'll come out of hiding! Wyverna used to be so beautiful! I want to help it become what it used to be and be the royal Spell Keeper for the new king! I was training to be King Arion's Spell Keeper when everything happened. I was easilly able to escape so I can easily help too!"

Prince Bowan put his hands on his hips. "As this is my quest, I say that as long as you have a stallion to ride on, Rathelia may join us in our jounrey to kill Irseval."

"Whatever, Princey. We still need to buy these though so I'll meet you back at the horses. We'll leave the second I get back. Remember, I navigate this journey. I know how to get there without too much of a problem and I know how to get into the kingdom without being spotted. Remember, keep your weapons out when we leave Valeir. As soon as we're out, we're no longer protected by the kingdom's rules."

After buying the herbs and healing things, I ran to the horses. We needed to leave. The sooner we go the less time we have to be in the horrid forest between the kingdoms. As soon as we were ready to go, all three of us head out. We were safe for a bit, so of course, Prince Bowen and Rathelia started talking. 

Prince Bowen smiled at the girl. "So, what's your reasoning for joining us?"

"I was there the day of the attack. I was in the library. Queen Servana and her sons had made it out of the area, but King Arion hadn't. I found him half dead bleeding out. I was the one he told his last words to. A ten year old girl who was learning powerful magic. He told me to find his daughter in the fields and to protect her. When I got there, there was no longer a princess in the fields. She had left, from what I heard. Others said she died and her bones were taken away. There was no proof of either of them, so I can only hope she escaped Irseval and his murderous ways. King Arion's sons were locked away. I was able to see them once by sneaking in through a flooding system. They were being fed and kept healthy, but I don't know how long that lasted because I had been told to go home before I could learn any more. I wouldn't deny the word of the princes. I believe that she is alive though. I just have this feeling."

Hearing that Rathelia got word from my father to protect me, made me feel the warmth of his hugs again. I remembered his kind words and kisses goodnight. The days he would teach me to dance and read like a proper lady, as well as to fight with our weapons. My favourite being the magical staff called Wyvernth. It was the most powerful weapon and most used in our army. Mine was made with only the finest and strongest magic metal that was harvested. I had even harvested it myself. My father, if anything, wanted to teach his kids that just becuase we are royal, doesn't mean we get an easier life without work. We work hard for what we have. My brothers had to do it before me and just because I am female, doesn't mean I'm any different. A woman can be just as strong as a man. He was the most wonderful human in the world. His morales were always the best. He was my hero.

Prince Bowen agreed. "I think she's alive too. It's the feeling in my gut. The child of Wyverna is alive out there somewhere."

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