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Months have passed since Irseval had died. Every day with my brothers was remaking our kingdom. The people of Servania offered to help, so it was remade much quicker then It would have if it were just us. In return, Wyverna helped Servania clean up their kingdom. Within the first month of Irseval's death, Bowen got a real cornation. Lolana and George acted as the previous king and queen to make it offical. Timour was given the money from both kingdoms to make a travelling service. I made maps for him, and he uses carriages to take people between towns. Rathelia lives with Jovsin in Wyverna as a princess after their marriage. She and Jovsin practice together in the garden like they did when they were young. I travel between Servania and Wyverna often to see Bowen. Gwenyth and Cordelia live happily in Gwen's town. They help the people together, and with Timour's buisness and the forest being cleared of all danger, the buisness there has become huge. People from dozens of towns go there for their jwelery and coloured inks. As well as Cordelia's glowing waters. Rolande and Striker got married and live happily in Strongma, helping out as many as possible, visiting Wyverna every once and a while to have dinner or just to visit. Bowen and I had gotten married too, but as queen of Servania and princess of Wyverna, I travel between the two a lot. Sometimes visiting Servania and Bowen sometimes visiting Wyverna. Moira has become a safe house for travellers, becoming a wonderous place to go for anything you're looking for. Almost a trading town, filled with people from everywhere around the known land. Even Svenon found a wife and was married to her with a child on the way.

I was sitting at home, reading a book, when I was told there was a visitor by Svenon's wife, Astoria. "A vistor? Who would be visiting me?"

"Prince George, Victoria."

"Oh, of course. I'll meet him outside. Thank you, Astoria. You take good care of the little prince or princess inside you."

I rushed outside to find George standing there in clothes I've never seen him in. He looked like everyone else in Wyverna. Something he used to call peasent clothes. I hugged him the minute I saw him. It was never a dull moment since Irseval had been killed.

He smiled. "How have you been, Vic?"

"I'm doing quite well. Happy to take warm baths again. So, what's the pleasure of seeing you again?"

He showed me the book. "I've read the entire thing five times. I've memorized everything. You told me you'd introduce me to the doctor what I had done that."

"Oh, yes. Follow me."

We walked through the kingdom until we reached a large building. Walking inside, I waved at the woman in the desk. "How may I help?"

George put the book down on the table. "I'm looking for Doctor Tsunami."

"You're speaking to her."

His head turned to me right away, eyes widder then ever. "Doctor Tsunami is a woman?"

"I never said she wasn't. Doctor, this is my good friend and brother-in-law, George. He's been learning to be a doctor and would like to train under you."

"Perfect! I've been looking for so long for someone to take over for me when I die! Come with me, we start now!"

George turned around, a smile on his face. "Thank you, Vic. This is a dream come true."

"Hard work and friends, that's all it takes. Good luck on becoming a doctor. I hope I can see you again soon, we could get lunch sometime."

He nodded while being taken away. Walking out the door, I walked to a book store and left for my reading tree. Sitting down, I opened my book. It was a story about a prince and a princess who were once strangers, but soon became best friends. As I was reading it, Bowen showed up.

He walked over, leaning down to kiss me. "You've been reading that for a long time now. What's the ending of it?"

"I'm not sure. I never read the ending of this book. I'm scared to know how it ends."

Bowen wrapped his arms around me. "You shouldn't be scared. The ending of every book is just a beginning of a new one."

"You've been getting smart spending time with me and being king."

He smirked. "I do learn from the best wife in the world."

Later that night, we went back home. I found that everyone was there, sitting at the dinning table. Rathelia, Jovsin, Rolande, Striker, Astoria, Svenon, Gwenyth, Cordelia, George, Timour Zera, Coopska. I ran to Coop, considering I hadn't seen him since Irseval was killed.

"Coop, what have you been up to? We haven't seen each other in ages."

He took his hat off, exposing his ears. "I've been teaching in Servania. The children are so kind and accepting. It's been an experience."

I was smiling so brightly. "Look us at all. I've missed you so much. So much as happened after we killed Irseval, but it's been wonderful. I just miss all of us being together like this."

Gwen stood up, put her arms around my shoulders. "This isn't the end of our story quite yet. We still have a lot of our lives to live. We just need to find new adventures. I heard that Merradath was in Nethurus again. Maybe we should be investigating that?"

I looked around at everyone, a proud smirk on my face as everyone else agreed to it. "Now that we've welcomed the war and defeated it, I think one more quest couldn't hurt. For now, let's celebrate us. To Irseval's death!"

"To being safe!"

The rest of the night was filled with cheer. We all shared stories. No matter what happened, we've been through so much that we have become a family. We will always find each other again. It doesn't matter what we are, all that matters is who we are. Nobody cared if a woman loved a woman or a man loved a man. They were the same people we always loved. Our people were accepting. We have created a socitety the teaches children that it doesn't matter what race you are or who you love, but what matters is who you are and what you do. We have saved the world, our story spread across the known world. Everytime I tell the story of my life, I will never forget what we had to do in order to create this world the way it is. How many had to die, how many traumatized, how many who are still scared of the return of the immortal who called himself a god. Yes, we killed Irseval, but there was always other evil in the world. As long as that was, we are never truly safe. At least I have my family here. Just to remember that anything is possible as long as I'm with them.

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