The Ruins of the Wyverns

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Travelling by foot was the best way we could get through the ruins. Our horses were taken by an army of wyverns to the end of the ruins for us. Sadly, there's an unbreakable rule of Wyverns using their claws on humans. If they touch any human with their claws, alive or dead, they become glass. Well, unless you're from Wyverna and so are your ansesters.

"So, how are you able to speak in Wyvern and how are they able to touch you without turning you to glass?" Gwen asked, knowing that I could since I had shaken Wyca's claw. "Does it have something to do with Wyverna?"

"Yes. Legend has it that long ago, the known land was filled with dragons. Each type of dragon had chosen their sides of the country. Everyone was terrified of the so called beasts. Even the gods themselves. One day, a travelling country that had no home found this beautiful place with a magic aura. The people found the Wyverns were nice. They were allowed to learn their language and their secrets. The royal family wrote down everything they learned from the wyverns. Soon, the wyverns left the land to the people, who started calling their home Wyverna for their inhuman friends. The Wyverns left the people with a gift. To drink the blood of an elder would allow you to gain the ability to never be hurt by wyverns. The Wyverns left the royal family the best gift of all. The gift to control and manipulate the beings. They wanted to test the family. Their morales ran deeper then power. Their gift became nothing more then a useless magic. Those morals have been passed down to this generation and will be passed down for the rest of time."

Svenon smirked. "Victoria has always been special that way though. Learning faster then all of us and growing up yet still being able to be childish in the right moments. I've always been jealous of that."

"I wanted to be more like Victoria." Rolande admitted. "I wish that I could have learned what she did as fast as she did. She could read a book in a few hours and know every bit about it."

"She certainly was blessed with many different powers." Jovsin spoke out, proud of me.

"I was blessed with the best family though. The best of friends too. You're all amazing in your own ways. Bowen with his ability to know things and to hold a God Killer, Svenon and his ability to stay calm and think fast, Jovsin and his ability to care about everyone and give the best advice, Rolande and his eye sight ability to see so far away, George and his insight to fighting skills and reading ability, Rathelia with her Spell Keeper training and mememory and life span, Coopska and his loyalty, weapon skills, protective skills and enhanced senses, Striker and his invisability and strength and kindness, and we all have the strength to fight on in the toughest times."

"We're all talented in our own ways. We can all do things others cant or wont do. We are the legends to come. I will fight on until my death."

George rolled his eyes. "Bowen, leave the speech for Servania. We're already motivated to fight. We each have our reasons."

Rathelia put her hands on her hips, brows furrowed. "Why did you come here, Prince George? What's the reason for this?"

"For my little brother, of course."

"No, I see what Rathelia is getting at. You said you came to protect Bowen, but you haven't been doing a lot of that. Coop and I have been protecting him the whole time. You've just been here and practicing fighting while you think everyone is asleep." I spoke out.

Gwen grabbed his shoulder. "What is your real reason? Are you trustworthy if you are to lie to us like that?"

Svenon put his blade to George's throat. "I don't want to hurt you, we're friends, but I won't have my kingdom or my siblings in danger. Just tell the truth and we'll continue like it never happened."

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