Forest of the Lost

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Deeper into the forest we got, the darker it got. It brought back my memories from when I had been here before. All those people chasing after me. I held onto King's mane. "Don't worry King, we've gotten through this before, we'll get through it again. Just need to watch out."

Prince Bowen was starring at me. "You told us to keep our weapons, but where is yours?"

"You ask too many question, Bowen."

Rathelia laughed. "I think we haven't asked enough questions yet. If you won't tell us anything about you, Vic, then I'll ask Prince Bowen his reason for wanting to do this."

"Well, my kingdom is being threatened by Irseval. He's killed people becuase my father was too much of a flat head to help the people of Wyverna. I don't like what he did, so I'm going to do something about it. It's never too late to do the right thing. My mother, father and brother betrayed Wyverna. I won't betray or abandon those people. They don't deserve it just because one person can't help anyone but himself."

Arrows flew around us. King got scared and ran off after bucking me. Rathelia got her horse to go after King. I was surprised when Prince Bowen stayed with me. He grabbed my hand, pulling me onto Princess to make our escape. I took out my Wyvernth and used it to protect us. It could grow or shrink to any size with it's magic. It's what made it such a unique weapon for Wyverna. Only royals and royal gaurds could have wepons like this. Prince Bowan was shocked by me having one, but we were in too much danger for him to ask anything about it. I was able to use it to make a shield and keeping us safe. We caught up to Rathelia and King, but there wasn't much we could do. There was rogues chasing us.

"Quick! There!" I screamed, pointing at a small space between the two cliffs. 

"We won't fit!" Prince Bowan screamed. 

I took the reins from him. "Yes we will!"

After just barely making it into the safety of the cliffs, we were left alone. I jumped off Princess and ran to King. Petting him, I also put away my Wyvernth. Prince Bowen and Rathelia had their jaws dropped. There was no way I could explain why and how I had one without telling them who I am. 

Rathelia was the first to speak. "That. Was. Amazing!" She screamed. "How did you know that we could fit here and that those rogues wouldn't follow us here?"

I laughed slightly. "Weeks of running away from them and getting shot at. We're not safe yet. That was only the Rogue area. We still have a monsters to deal with. This is the only pathway that we could survive on. We were lucky to get away without any arrows in us. The last time I was here, there was so many arrows. I can't even remember how many I had to take out of King. It was horifing for both of us. At least we were prepared this time, right King?"

My horse neighed a yes. I rubbed his nose and neck as a rewards. 

"You think we can really survive this?" Prince Bowen asked. He put his hands over his face. "I think this might have been a horrible idea."

"Only one more stop before we make it to Wyverna. We can make it. I have people waiting at our next stop and we'll have shelter for the night. We are so close. At first, I didn't think we could do this. I thought you were just crazy, but we've actually made it this far. I'm going to make it and I am going to fight those people who hurt the people of Wyverna. I am going to continue with or without you, but just remember, without me, you're going to die, Bowen. I don't want that to happen. We just need to get through this cavern and we won't have any more problems. Strongma has healers so we'll live through this. If I lived through this alone, we'll be able to get through this together for sure. We can spend a few days resting with my friends before heading to Wyverna too. I can't do this alone. I can't fight by myself."

Before anymore was said, we were forced to keep moving via giant monster hanging above us. We needed to get through the rest of the Forest of the Lost. This was the cavern of Beasts. This is where we would need to fight the most. I took out my Wyvernth to fight. Taking the lead, I was able to get us through for the most part. 

Around the end of the cavern, Prince Bowen ran ahead of me. He didn't realize that it wasn't over yet. I ran after him, pulling him back just in time to protect him. Sadly, I got a spear thrown into my shoulder. I was able to destroy the dark elf before I got hit again, but there was still a painful wound and a spear sticking out of me. I fell to my knees. Prince Bowen helped me. 

"Vic? Can you hear me? Hey, talk to me. Say something. You said your friends were healers. We'll get you there. Just hold on."

I laughed. "Idiot. I got this far, I'm not letting this kill me. The only one who I would allow to be killed by is Irseval. He'll be the only one who has a chance of killing me."

Bowen picked me up and put me on his horse. Rathelia put a spell on me in order to help heal me, but she was also healing herself and Prince Bowen from their own injuries. She's still young for a Spell Master so she won't be able to help more then a few minor injuries and a medium sized wound. This was not medium sized. I felt my eyes slowly flutter closed. The last thing I heard was Prince Bowen.

"Come on, Vic. You're strong. We've been through a lot already. We can make it to Irseval. We'll kill him together and we'll do wahtever you ahve to do in Wyverna. I know I don't know what it is, but I will help you with whatever you need to do. Just don't die. I couldn't handle having your death on my hands. I came here to save lives, not take them. It's my fault you're here protecting me. I just wanted to help that girl i met all those years ago. I wanted to be able to take her home after saving it. If you do die, I will continue on the quest and I will find that girl and take her home. I swear on my life. I will save you and Wyverna."

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