Safe Travels

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In the morning, I woke up feeling horrible. I had way too much to drink last night. I woke up on Lolana's floor too. She wasn't in the room. Nobody was. I must have slept in due to all the alcohol in my system. No matter, I had to prepare to leave. The fun was over for the day. Seriousness filled the halls as the entire kingdom knew what was about to happen. Their brand new king was about to go into the final battle with Irseval. Either he dies, or we all die. There was nobody looking forward to this battle. There was so much at stake, but it was a risk we needed to take. Not only for Wyverna, but for everyone in the known land.

Gwenyth was packing with a stone cold look on her face. Rolande was getting his armor put on by Jovsin and Bowen was getting his armor put on by Svenon. George was helping Rathelia get her armor on. She was no longer cheery. She was a warrior ready for battle. Her child-like tendencies nowhere to be seen. This was serious. More serious then we thought it would be, even seeing Irseval himself.

When I saw Bowen's crown on the king's throne, I walked over to it. I held the cold silver metal in my hands. A hand was set on my shoulder. "It's a huge thing being king. Only a day and I'm already leaving for my people."

"A young, mortal king who is about to fight a god."

He made me look at him. "I have you by my side. As long as I have that, I am a god."

"Enough joking. How can you be like this? As long as I stop fighting, I can't be killed. If you stop fighting you won't have a chance to live. I can't stop fighting as long as Irseval is here. This isn't about us or our people. This is the entire world we're talking about. If we fail, the entire world will be taken over. There will only be Irseval."

He cupped my face, making my heart stop and calm down. "If we're together, anything is possible."

I smiled, agreeing and looking at all my friends. They are here for us. They're risking themselves too. As long as we have each other, we are never truly alone. I took a step towards my friends. "We have the fight of our lives coming today! We are fighting for what we love, and who we love! There has never been a day more important, but we can't forget who we are! Yes, a lot has changed, but we won't let it change who we are so why change that now! We are braver, stronger and more skilled then ever! We have travelled across the known land to kill Irseval so we will be victorious! We haven't tried so hard and got so far just for us to fail! We've come to far to loose it all! So, a toast to us! For how far we've come and for the future of us!"

"To us!" they all called out, smiles coming back. "To killing Irseval!"

I smirked. "To killing Irseval."

Princess Lolana walked to my side. "It will take days to get to Wyverna with all those monsters. How are you to fight after being so tired?"

"Well, I think I have that one covered." Gwen spoke up. "The other bottle that Cordelia gave us. For emergencies. I'd say this is an emergency."

I hugged her tightly. "Of course! You're a genius, Gwenyth! We can get Corelia to clear a path for us with her goddess powers! She can rid of all the problems in the rest for good! Our one wish!"

Svenon looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you sure this is what we should use it for?"

"We have no other choice." Prince George said, finally joining in. "We can't wish for Irseval to be dead and we can't just wish for safe passage. We need something specific to ask a goddess. It's the only way."

With that in mind, we said our goodbyes. We were packed and ready to go, leaving behind anything unnessasry. We had ourselves, our weapons, medical care and our horses. There was nothing else that we could need. Everything else would slow us down. We didn't have the time to waste with things that we want. Besides, Timour would look after our things well. He was a careful and kind man. So, that was it.

Gwenyth opened the bottle as we left Servania. Cordelia came out stretching. "Ah, it's you. Thank you for choosing me at this time. What can I do for you, beautiful maiden?"

"We need a permanent safe passage through the known lands' forest."

Cordelia grew from human size to go size. "As you wish."

The goddess became water, flushing through the entire forest. We followed the tsunami through the forest to get to Strongma. Once there, we would rest before striking. Night was one of Irsevals weaknesses. At least, the darkness was. When night falls, it would be time to attack. All those who volunteered to fight followed us. We would have more volunteers in Strongma. They could take care of Irseval's dark army. My people would rebel against Irseval the moment we get inside. I just knew it. At the front stood Svenon, Bowen and Rathelia looking like real warriors. I was proud of what we had become.

"What do we do once in Strongma?" Svenon called back to me.

I smiled. "Set up a base! We need to welcome the war! Medical centers, armory, anything else you'd typically have in a war!"


"Nobody wants to welcome a war, but the only way to stop it is by welcoming it. We need to make it ours. Once we've done that, we have a chance of winning."

Bowen rushed faster. "If that's what you say, then that's what we do! I've known you long enough to know that you're always right when it comes to these things."

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