Least of our problems

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The trip was fine once we left, though the others kept getting distracted. It took all my will power not to be distracted as well. It was the water we drank, from the River spirit herself. It was how she protects herself. Only the most determined people may ask for her help. Only the ones who really need the help, desperate even. I will admit I am desperate.

Bowen rode over to me. "Do you really think this will work?"

"It has to. If it doesn't work, then my brothers may never be free from Irseval. It's my job to save my family, what's left of it anyway."

"I'm so sorry, Vic. There must be nothing I can do to help, but I want to help you."

I took a deep breath, calming myself down. "Just being here helps."

"Remember when I said I wanted to take that girl I met seven years ago home to Wyverna, but free from Irseval?"


"I will do it. I don't care if you are a princess or a warrior, you're also a traumatized girl who wants her family back. The way you saved me from your people was amazing. Not only are you brave and smart and caring, you're also really powerful. You were seriously on fire! There is nothing more amazing then being able to set your skin on fire at will and control a godly Jaguar."

"It's because of practice. In Wyverna, I trained to use the staff for years. I was so young at the time I was surprised I remembered it. I had only been trained because I begged and begged. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be alive right now. It wasn't just fighting skills, it was social skills, kindness, understanding, mathematics, mapping, memorization. It was book smarts as well as fighting smarts."

He chuckled slightly. "I used to ask my sister to read to me when I was young. I liked the idea of books and learning, but because of my parents all I could do was train to be a fighter. Since my brother would be King next, I would train to be the next general of Servania."

"At our home, as you saw it was not much bigger than everyone else's homes. We believed that everyone should be equally safe and happy allowing growth. It worked well, since we had become the most futuristic kingdom there was. Until Irseval destroyed that. Inside our castle, there is a secret library in the basement. The only way to get there is if you know about it. There's mechanics involved."


"I forgot, you don't even know what that is. Mechanics is how they make carriages and movable doors. Building things that can move, almost on their own. There's a way into the bottom of the castle and a few ways to get in and out of there as well. The library is filled with all sorts of books, mathematics, literacy, other languages translated into our own so we may learn, diaries of our deceased relatives of the past, magic, battle strategies. Whatever you can think of is in there. We also have a normal library for studies. We keep the important things locked up tight."

"Why are you telling me this, Princess?"

"Because one day, when this is over, and Wyverna and Servania are connected in peace, I will take you to the Wyverna royal library."

"But I can't read as well as you can."

"I'll teach you. I will show you to write and read. I can even teach you mathematics. It's very helpful for battle strategies."

"Is that how you can fight so good?"

"Maybe? It takes knowledge and lots of practice. I was born with the ability to remember everything I see, hear and experience. My mother said I had a gift of memory, probably from the gods who didn't die and are hiding. She said I was special and one day my purpose would be clear to me. I never thought it would be this. I have the power of a god."

"That just makes you even more unique. To think, someone like you, only weeks ago, was a simple stable girl barely surviving. You are incredible, Princess or not."

"You aren't scared of me, Bowen?"

"Not at all."

"I'm riding a jaguar the size of a horse."

"And it's so magical. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't know half the things I know now. You've already taught me a lot of new skills. I could never thank you enough for the experience."

Riding was silent for a while, until we reached a wall. Literally. The only way up was to climb the natural wall that had water falling. I got off Jagg to look at it.

I turned to everyone. "Jagg and I can make it up there. I believe we can take two others with us. Because Gwenyth knows the most about this, we'll have to take her."

Everyone's faces became pale. Rathelia ran, screaming. "Princess! Watch out!"

And in one solid swoosh, the water had grabbed her.


"I'm okay, Princess! I'll fight it off with my magic! You go!"

My brothers grabbed their bows and arrows while Prince George took out his sword. "Go, take Bowen with you. He's true of heart."

"Get going already! We won't be able to hold it off for too much longer!" Striker yelled, battling a huge wave crashing down on him.

I grabbed prince Bowen's hand, dragging him to Jagg and Gwenyth. Once securely on, Jagg leaped over the cliff wall. He ran into the woods to follow the flow of the river. I couldn't believe something so tranquil became so deadly. I would bring Cordelia back to my brothers so she could heal their minds. I swear it on my life.

"Vic, I think that was the least of our problems. Look!" Bowen yelled, pointing at poisoned trees.

These trees soaked up the water of the river, turning them into weapons for the river maiden. I jumped off Jagg, fire bursting out of my skin in a firey haze of emotion. All I could think about was saving my brothers, and the next thing I knew those trees were ashes in the wind. I ran after Jagg, Gwen and Bowen. We were almost there, I could feel it. Just a bit more.

Jagg slowed down until he halted. When I got to him, I understood. The tree of youth spouting the magical waters that is Cordelia the River Maiden.

She was sitting at the edge of her tree, water surrounding her. She was made of the water herself, even her clothes were the glimmering waters. I couldn't do anything but stand there and blink at the beauty of it all.

"Three visitors. How wonderful that you could make it. You must be in dire need of my assistance."

I bowed to her. "Yes, River Maiden Cordelia." I spoke, Gwen and Bowen kneeling too.

"Oh, please, stand up. Before I may help you, you must prove yourselves to me that you are true of heart. That you are here for a reason that isn't selfish. Let me into your minds and I will test you three."

"I agree." We all spoke at once.

She smiled. "Let the testing begin."

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