Gates of the Nethurus Vault

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Twenty seven hours after stopping for Princess Merradath and Coopska, we made it to the boarder between the land of the gods and the known land. The snow and wind just disappeared. When everything calmed down, everyone got out of the cabins. I had never seen Bowen look the way he did. He looked happy, but totally shocked and depressed.

"Is this really Nethurus?" He asked me, looking around.

I turned him to look at the mountains and valleys. "There are skeletons the size of mountains and there were no valleys in Nethurus. Those are war marks. The giant weapons are from those who parrished. Those who still live hide from any living being, afraid they are from Irseval."

"Wow." His jaw fell.

Gwenyth came over to us. "We need to get moving on our horses again. The gateway to the vault is only a two hour ride from here. The guardians of the vault will ask us all for something and only the four who best answer their question can go down with them."

Getting back on Jagg was the most calming thing for me. Running free in this once beautiful land now becoming complete nature made me feel like I was free.

"Vic. Do you have a minute?" Bowen asked me.

I laughed. "I have nothing but time."

"I mean alone."

We stopped going while everyone else kept going. Bowen got off his horse, which shocked me. "Bowen..?"

He went down to both his knees. "I apologize for Merradath. She's one of the worst people I know, alongside my parents. She does everything for herself and never thinks of anyone else. She brainwashed herself into thinking she loves me. I never would marry her. Please forgive her. I'm beg of you not to be upset with me."

"Bowen, I'm not upset at you at all. I was upset about how you would treat me now that you're fiancé was here."

"What do you mean?"

I shook my head. "I guess that I didn't trust you for so long and now I couldn't imagine my life without you. With your future wife and guard here, there's nowhere for me."


I jumped up, scared. "You said my full name. This doesn't seem right."

He stood up along side me. "Victoria, there is always room for you, and there will never be room for Merradath. Believe me when I say this, I don't love her and I never will. I will refuse her as much as it takes for her to realize it. And even with Coopska here, I will still need you. Even when I become a King, I will still need you. Victori—"

"Come on you two! We have to go! We'll be stopping soon and we'll get to see something! Jovsin said he had a surprise when we get to the best view!"

Rathelia, such a child at heart and yet so strong as a woman. Jovsin is lucky. I jumped on Jagg's back, riding off.

"Come on, Princey! Show me your royal horseback skills!"

He jumped on Princess. "You're on, Vic!"

A one hour race to the top of the mountain and down the other side. I knew we were getting close to the gateway to the Nethurus vault. We were just starting to slow down when I noticed the view. Stunning. We all stopped. Jovsin announced that he was about to make his surprise.

Rathelia stood in front of him, wide-eyed. "Rathelia the Spell Keeper in training for the king of Wyverna, I've known you all my life. We have been close for a long time. Times have changed, even for Wyverna." Jovsin went down on one knee, taking out his beautifully homemade ring. "Will you marry me?"

She jumped down to her knees, kissing him. "Yes! I will! I always will! You're back, Jovsin! The real you is back! I'm so happy!"

"We'll marry as soon as Irseval is dead. Unless, of course, my dear sister is to run off to Servania right after?"

I waved my hands around. "No, no! You have your wedding. Be happy! The celebration of Irsevals death will be continued by a celebration of your marriage!"

Rathelia jumped up. "Let's get going! I could kill Irseval right now by myself!"

The journey continued. Rathelia and Jovsin stayed side by side, talking about their new found marriage.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

I turned to Svenon. "What? Their love is wonderful and the view was shockingly beautiful."

Svenon laughed so hard that he nearly fell off his horse. "Do you have something to tell me?"

"Who told? Jovsin or Rolande?"

"Jovsin of course. He doesn't keep his mouth shut ever. Who is going to be my brother-in-law? A commoner in Servania? Middle class? Royal?"

"Like I would tell you anything about that."

Lightning cracked. We rushed closer to the gate. It was near us. "There it is! I can see it!" Gwen screamed, leading the way.

Jagg slid to a stop at a door going into a mountain. Two giant beings, one in all white and one in all black, stood guard.

"Halt! Who dares come to the Gateway of Nethurus Vault!" The male god yelled, lightning cracking again.

I stood with Bowen. He held my hand, worried. "I am Prince Bowen of Servania and this is Princess Victoria of Wyverna. We have travelled a long way with our companions to gain the weapon to kill Irseval!"

The female god kneeled down. "There are four allowed to compete for the weapon. One of heartbreak, one of love, one of secrets and one of truth. You can choose yourself or have my best friend here choose for you. There is only one correct person for each of those allowed down."

I stood forward. "We would like to choose ourselves! You'll read our minds as proof, am I correct?"


I turned to everyone. Bowen smirked. "Easy. Jovsin as love, Gwenyth of secrets, me as truth and Vic as heartbreak."

"Is that your final answer?" The male god asked.

I jumped forward. "Bowen as love, Rathelia as truth, Coopska as heartbreak and me as secrets! Final answer!"

The female god laughed. "You're correct, Princess Victoria. Prince Bowen is here because of someone he loves dearly, Coopska is here because of someone who has given him heartbreak his whole life, Rathelia has told the truth the entire time while you have not only kept your own secrets your whole journey, but you know secrets you shouldn't. You're lucky your prince friend didn't answer."

"Love was the trickiest. How could you have possibly known?" The male god asked. "Nobody ever passes that!"

I smiled, tears running down my face. "The truth is, I didn't know. When I was five years old, my mother told me the first thing I needed to know in life. No matter what, even if you're upset, you follow what you believe. Sometimes what you think you know isn't really what is real. You have beliefs and gut feelings for a reason and you should follow them."

"The half deity is correct. Follow me. You'll each be able to try for the weapon to kill Irseval and save us all."

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