1/13/2019 - Which Will I Work On?

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Which stories am I going to tackle for Open Novella?

Red Planet – While I am super interested in writing this and feel I can meet the 20-40k I feel this one relies to much on the potential for sequels. While I am planning on planning this out, I don't plan on tackling this one for Open Novella.

Colony Cadets – As with Red Planet I am excited to write this and feel I could meet the word count. However, I feel this one again relies to much on the potential for sequels. As such I will not be tackling this one yet.

Baruto Lives, Sort Of? – I'm super excited about this one and some of the reveals. This said, I am worried this one will go over the 40k mark if I'm not careful as the plot could easily become quite complex. As such I am holding off on this one.

Winter Tree – This one I'm rather excited to tackle but feel I can make the word count even though it is super tempting to take things farther, but for that I could do an AU to the story I write later.

Petals of the Kitty Rose – There are a few kinks I need to work out for this one, so I am holding off on tackling this one until later.

Devil's Advocate – I don't want to many projects, but I also suspect rabid Lance fans won't like this one. So this one is a maybe.

Taming Destiny – I will need to work in a headcanon I've worked with in another story. In fact, the story could easily tie into certain parts. Despite this I know the story will stand on its own, so I plan on tackling this.

Unicorn Hunt – While I could easily make this 20k, the story would be hard to hit a target audience on as it would be slice of life genre wise and that genre tends to be a hit and miss. I also have the potential of having to much filler for some people's taste, but I'm also wondering if I should have unicorns be discovered as real or not. Since it is a fantastical plot, the answer would be yes, so there is the added element of figuring out how to work that into the fandom.

Child of the Dark Moon – I'm super excited about this one.

A Little Bird Told Me – The biggest problem for this one is world building which will take quite a bit of time.

Cut of a Knife – As the plot stands I'm needing something else to make the plot pop, yet I've not come up with it.

Wings of Home – Making this a crossover with One Day at a Time (2017) perked my interest, yet I'm not sure regarding word count. Thus this one is a maybe.

Jewel of Altea – I am super excited about this one, but there are some missing elements I need to think out, so I am going to hold off on this one.

Cosmoic Adventure – This one would rely to much on the sequel for my liking.

The Real World Stinks – This one – I am super excited on, feel I can get the word count on, but for this one I'd need quite a few OCs thus I'll hold off on.

Free!dom – I am super excited about this one, but won't go into details on why.

Sol Leo Café – The story is a bit iffy in the fact rabid Lance fans might not like it, so it goes into the maybe list.

Gemini, Touch the Sky – This was one I jumped on during my first read through, so it is a bit hard to pass up.

Here are the stories I plan on tackling: Winter Tree, Taming Destiny, Child of the Dark Moon, Free!dom, Gemini, Touch the Sky

Here are the stories which are a maybe: Devil's Advocate, Wings of Home, Sol Leo Cafe

These are the ones I'm holding off on: Red planet, Colony Cadets, Baruto Lives, Sort Of?, Petals of the Kitty Rose, Unicorn Hunt, A Little Bird Told Me, Cut of a Knife, Jewel of Altea, Cosmoic Adventure, The Real World Stinks

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