2/21/2019 - Winter Tree (Ch 7)

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Winter Tree is officially at the point I can submit the piece for the second round of Open Novella. The chapter ends at a nice cliffhanger which will hopefully keep people interested in reading.

How do I feel about Lance being called out? For me one of the aggravating things regarding season eight was the claim that Lance was never a ladies' man despite the fact we constantly see him flirting through the first few seasons simply because his mother says it is true. This makes her an unreliable narrator. Another issue is the fact we're supposed to believe Lance stopped being a ladies man because we stopped seeing him flirt with the ladies, yet he was never put into a situation where he would flirt with the ladies.

Does Romelle count? Season seven was very good at making it clear that Lance found Romelle annoying which in turn would put him off flirting with her, yet this doesn't mean he didn't try at some point either.

Did I feel bad? I honestly felt bad for Veronica. I've been writing Lance as his character is based on his growth - or in truth major lack of it - in season eight and I honestly don't have any sympathy for a character who is how Lance is, but I'm hoping he'll progress more towards DouT Lance as time progresses.

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